Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

it wasn't conservatism that ruined San Francisco and Los Angeles, it's hyper liberals like Gavin Newsom and Heels up Harris. They'll ruin your town too, If you let them.
You probably think it was liberalism that destroyed Detroit.
Sounds like you're not disagreeing with me about California, but you want to shift the focus away from Kamala and Gavin.
Not. California created too many high paying jobs.
May I ask why Mr Trump is so horrible to Mrs Harris? In a speech yesterday he called her a 'bum' several times ( a bum in the UK is what you sit on) and said other nasty things about her (like they do on these forums). The thing is whether Mr Trump likes it or not, Mrs Harris is the Vice President and is a candidate for the Presidency and its immaterial if she is good, bad or indifferent, she should be afforded the respect that her position dictates.
As for Mr Trump, yes he is a candidate also for what is arguably the most powerful job in the world. What kind of image does he project to the world by saying all these nasty things. He is supposed to be statesmanlike and at least give the impression he is fit for the job, but fails miserably on both counts.
In the UK, if a politician said those things, they would be suspended. Yet the Americans accept it as normal. I know Americans here use disgusting foul language, to my mind it just shows ignorance, having to resort to gutter talk like Mr Trump.
May I ask why Mr Trump is so horrible to Mrs Harris? In a speech yesterday he called her a 'bum' several times ( a bum in the UK is what you sit on) and said other nasty things about her (like they do on these forums). The thing is whether Mr Trump likes it or not, Mrs Harris is the Vice President and is a candidate for the Presidency and its immaterial if she is good, bad or indifferent, she should be afforded the respect that her position dictates.
As for Mr Trump, yes he is a candidate also for what is arguably the most powerful job in the world. What kind of image does he project to the world by saying all these nasty things. He is supposed to be statesmanlike and at least give the impression he is fit for the job, but fails miserably on both counts.
In the UK, if a politician said those things, they would be suspended. Yet the Americans accept it as normal. I know Americans here use disgusting foul language, to my mind it just shows ignorance, having to resort to gutter talk like Mr Trump.
It's pretty simple, his platform has only one plank. Contemp for liberals.
Only if you want to ask why Mrs Harris is so horrible to Mr Trump.
OK. Why are both candidates so horrible to each other? Don't they have any idea of decorum or respect? Just saying it all projects a bad image to the world of the USA when the highest people act like schoolchildren.
One of them is a horrible person, the other can't stop himself from punching back.
OK. Why are both candidates so horrible to each other? Don't they have any idea of decorum or respect? Just saying it all projects a bad image to the world of the USA when the highest people act like schoolchildren.
You have to consider their base. Extreme nut cases on both sides.
One of them is a horrible person, the other can't stop himself from punching back.
Well, one of them is going to be President. Doesn't that fill you with joy and excitement and hope for the future?
Well, one of them is going to be President. Doesn't that fill you with joy and excitement and hope for the future?
One has already been president and contrary to popular belief the sky did not fall, he didn't jail anyone and we survived.
Are we sure that both of them have not been president? Who has been managing or rather mismanaging the country for the past three years. It hasn't been Biden.
Biden to push for constitutional amendment next week to reverse Trump immunity decision: report
Sounds like the puppet master (Obama) has his panties in a twist.
Don't they have any idea of decorum or respect?
Biden and Harris have no "idea of decorum or respect". Harris just snubbed Netanyahu and called on Israel to stop killing faux "civilians" that are actually keeping the Gaza conflict going claiming the inhumanity of it, but neglecting that Hamas started it and wantingly kills Israeli civilians. That is directly contrary to Biden's claim that Israel will be supported by the US. Harris is a public official, she has shown no respect for Biden as demanded by her position as vice-president.

The Democrats have been pushing the limits of legal law by filling bogus lawfare charges against Trump, eve to the extent of trying to change the Constitution to somehow get Trump tossed in jail and off the presidential ballot.

These actions demonstrate that Biden/Harris have no decorum or respect.
Plus they never answer questions when probed in any congressional hearing. "There's an ongoing investigation", "That's classified.", "I'll get back to you on that.". And when they do perjure themselves, no one does anything about it. When the A team gets tricked into it, they get thrown in jail. Then they have the nerve to claim that DJT has somehow done all of the evil Hitler like things that are unforgivable while in fact he has done no such things (just accusations). Just repeat the lie's enough so your base will believe them and not ask any pertinent questions. That's the game in a nutshell.
Are we sure that both of them have not been president? Who has been managing or rather mismanaging the country for the past three years. It hasn't been Biden.
I wasn't aware Mr Biden had relinquished power to Mrs Harris. We don't get all the USA political news in the UK, up until about 3 weeks ago we had never heard of Mrs Harris.
Actually, quick question. How do you correctly pronounce her first name? The BBC news says Kamala (like Pamela) whereas the American reporters say 'Kam-ah-la' with an 'ah'.

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