Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

—> Joe Biden succumbed to a coup. Since then, Kamala Harris has raised hundreds of millions to keep Democrats in power.

—> The media lied about Joe Biden’s mental decline for years. They only changed their tune when they got caught. Now, they’re back to carrying water for Democrats.
May I ask why Mr Trump is so horrible to Mrs Harris? In a speech yesterday he called her a 'bum' several times ( a bum in the UK is what you sit on) and said other nasty things about her (like they do on these forums). The thing is whether Mr Trump likes it or not, Mrs Harris is the Vice President and is a candidate for the Presidency and its immaterial if she is good, bad or indifferent, she should be afforded the respect that her position dictates.
As for Mr Trump, yes he is a candidate also for what is arguably the most powerful job in the world. What kind of image does he project to the world by saying all these nasty things. He is supposed to be statesmanlike and at least give the impression he is fit for the job, but fails miserably on both counts.
In the UK, if a politician said those things, they would be suspended. Yet the Americans accept it as normal. I know Americans here use disgusting foul language, to my mind it just shows ignorance, having to resort to gutter talk like Mr Trump.

Bum doesn't only mean your rear end parts, it also means a person who doesn't work. FYI.
It must be one of those weird American things like 'AreKinSaw'. If her name is spelt 'Kamala' then the first two letters should be pronounced 'Ka' not 'Ko'.

It's not an American thing in the first place. She's from Jamaica, so why does traditional American pronunciation matter?
It's not an American thing in the first place. She's from Jamaica, so why does traditional American pronunciation matter?
But the name isn't Jamaican, it is Indian. My Indian friend named Kamala pronounced her name with a very soft, short, middle syllable. Kam a la but almost kam la or kama la. You sort of swallow the middle syllable.
But the name isn't Jamaican, it is Indian. My Indian friend named Kamala pronounced her name with a very soft, short, middle syllable. Kam a la but almost kam la or kama la. You sort of swallow the middle syllable.
Whatever it is, I'm just letting Col know that his comparison to American pronunciation makes no sense. Her family is a recent immigrant in the first place and "american" has no bearing on the pronunciation of someone's name, especially hers
It's not an American thing in the first place. She's from Jamaica, so why does traditional American pronunciation matter?
If she's from Jamaica, how come she was born in Oakland California?
Whatever it is, I'm just letting Col know that his comparison to American pronunciation makes no sense. Her family is a recent immigrant in the first place and "american" has no bearing on the pronunciation of someone's name, especially hers
All I'm saying is the BBC news pronounce her first name differently to American reporters. I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.
If she's from Jamaica, how come she was born in Oakland California?
She's not from Jamaica, her father is from Jamaica and her mother is from India.
All I'm saying is the BBC news pronounce her first name differently to American reporters.
British reporters mispronounce most foreign words so I wouldn't let them be my guide to how to pronounce anything;) American reporters try to use native pronunciation although not all succeed.
Says the person whose candidates receive the biggest poll boosts from Clooney and Taylor Swift endorsements.
Liberals gonna believe whatever Hollywood tells them
well they're not ted what's his name, kid rock or hulk hogan but I guess ya gotta take what you can get.
well they're not ted what's his name, kid rock or hulk hogan but I guess ya gotta take what you can get.
Right, because Taylor Swift's intellect is so much better and widely revered among sages :)
Harris now distancing herself from her prior public and video recorded comments.

"... now, with breathless speed, she is dramatically reversing positions that she once claimed were strongly held when she last ran for president. Whether these new positions last longer than the old ones is something voters won’t know until after the election."
A very scary thought. A repeat of Pelosi's (paraphrased) "you have to pass it to find out what it is about". What does Harris really intend to do?
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She will never be able to live down that "unburdened by what has been" - every time I hear it I LOL, and every time she speaks I just SMH - I know I'm just about legally bound against daring to say that a person such as her is inarticulate, but damn - she IS inarticulate. Obama was very articulate. Biden well, you know I think how that went. She's more articulate than Biden but the things she says are like empty sentences of nothing

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