Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

I wasn't aware Mr Biden had relinquished power to Mrs Harris.
He has not. He simply dropped out of running for president. But Harris is not being shy about usurping the president's power. One can advocate that Biden was never in power. It appears that the US is being run by an unnamed secret cabal.
I wasn't aware Mr Biden had relinquished power to Mrs Harris. We don't get all the USA political news in the UK, up until about 3 weeks ago we had never heard of Mrs Harris.
Actually, quick question. How do you correctly pronounce her first name? The BBC news says Kamala (like Pamela) whereas the American reporters say 'Kam-ah-la' with an 'ah'.
Comma La, is correct, but I love the way Trump says it and it's not really even a bad thing the way he says it, just different. The real question is who is the real Kamala?

It's just like the character on your keyboard "," or like the "o" in communist.
It must be one of those weird American things like 'AreKinSaw'. If her name is spelt 'Kamala' then the first two letters should be pronounced 'Ka' not 'Ko'.
It must be one of those weird American things like 'AreKinSaw'. If her name is spelt 'Kamala' then the first two letters should be pronounced 'Ka' not 'Ko'.
Except, this has to do with "sounds like" and not what you see as the letter "a". The "Ah' sound is also in the word comma, communist, collar, comet, condo, etc... there are lot of words that are spelled with the "co" letters and sounds just like "ka". Her name is spelled with "Ka" just like it sounds but you would be wrong to say "Ka" & "Mala", it's Comma-La or Kama-La which sound exactly the same.

The way that Trump says it is like in the video I posted, which is wrong, but conjures up that exact image in my head when I hear it, and I don't even think Trump knows who that is. Maybe he does, but I'm guessing he doesn't.
He has not. He simply dropped out of running for president. But Harris is not being shy about usurping the president's power. One can advocate that Biden was never in power. It appears that the US is being run by an unnamed secret cabal.
QAnon and MAGA conspiracies.
Screenshot 2024-07-28 081425.png
I'm confused as to what the Obama's have got to do with this election. What difference does it make what he says, he retired isn't he? Maybe he is a senator? What about the wife? She's just an ex first lady.
I'm confused as to what the Obama's have got to do with this election. What difference does it make what he says, he retired isn't he? Maybe he is a senator? What about the wife? She's just an ex first lady.

While there are many circles within circles in this little political merry-go-round that we call USA Politics, the person apparently in power is not always the person actually in power. The question isn't "what is pulling the sleigh" (the horse?) but "who is holding the reigns, well behind the horse?" And there are those, Col, who believe that Mr. Obama is the shadowy holder of the reins for Joe Biden.

You are correct that ostensibly, Mr. Obama is retired. No, he's not a senator any more either. His wife is, as you said, an ex-first-lady. However, there is a chance that Kamala's inability to speak extemporaneously with any modicum of sentience will disenchant the power elite of the Democratic party. In which case she will follow Mr. Biden into oblivion.

If that happens, Mr. Obama cannot be president again because no person can serve more that two full terms. But not to worry... Michelle Obama can run - and she would have the backing of a lot of people who now would back Kamala. After all, she is also black and female and liberal. And she is more eloquent than Kamala OR Joe - individually or together.

You earlier asked about pronouncing Kamala's name. You should be aware that her name comes from her mother's side. Her mother is Shyamala Goplan, who was born in Madras Province in India. With that heritage, Kamala's name will use vowel sounds from India's version of English, not the British version. Think of the vocal scale in music where we say "do re mi fa ..." (etc.) Now take that "fa" and remember the exact sound of the "a". Make the three syllables rhyme: Kamala. And the last step is to add a slight emphasis on the "Ka" part.
Obama is, the behind the scenes, the Manchurian Candidate.
Unless they died in office, so has every other former President.
But, of course Trump has exerted zero post office influence.

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