Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

Filp Flop should be her new nickname.

She will run in the middle but govern from the far left.
she lies about fracking, abortion, bail, prisons, all her positions are being quickly reversed - what a complete liar and fraud
LOLOLOLOLOL you know, cause Trump is such a standup guy.

Anyone but Trump.
It's probably the dumbest thing I'll read all day.
From your point of view certainly. It's bad for the country to have a super minority of absolutely fanatical followers. Conservatives represent that.
Trump's only avenue to power was to fuel contempt for liberals.

Liberals make up a much smaller percentage of democrats, than conservative make up of republicans. Conservatives are the same threat as Liberals, there are just more of them. Which makes them far more dangerous.

So yeah, anyone but Trump.
It's probably the dumbest thing I'll read all day.
Look at the posts on the tax thread, nothing but attempts to use typical ineffective Conservative arguments. Even as some of you know there is something wrong with your thinking on the economy thing. Y'all are steadfast in your defense of it.

And then it has been some of the most embarrassing times in my life that we would have a Bozo in the Oval Office. Biden was inept, but at least he wasn't a New York flimflam man that stole money from his own people and made him worship him for it.
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"Anyone but Biden or Harris".

I would never say this because the progressives and liberals have a very deep bench, it literally could get worse.
"Anyone but Biden or Harris".

I would never say this because the progressives and liberals have a very deep bench, it literally could get worse.
That's a good one.
You have said anyone but Biden or Harris, in actions. Support for Trump says that to anyone that is not part of the MAGA supporters.
From your point of view certainly. It's bad for the country to have a super minority of absolutely fanatical followers. Conservatives represent that.
Trump's only avenue to power was to fuel contempt for liberals.

Liberals make up a much smaller percentage of democrats, than conservative make up of republicans. Conservatives are the same threat as Liberals, there are just more of them. Which makes them far more dangerous.

So yeah, anyone but Trump.
What's bad for the country is emotional idiots who have TDS due to media reprogramming of your soul (they simply cannot think for themselves). It was enough to egg on an assassination attempt (more than once). Projected threats to democracy, and other idiotic projections of danger are all a mental problem of allowing lies to feed your bed of truth. I'll aways go to back to the simple concept of GIGO. If you keep insisting your information is accurate when it is in fact not, that is a major problem for society. It's not just you either, it's a large swath of media programmed fools happy to divide the nation into little pieces. Bidens bid may be over, but his stupidity reigns on through Harris in a much more blatantly wrong way. For me, it's all about results, and the Biden Harris team is the worst administration in American History only achieving division and corruption at the highest levels I have seen in my lifetime.

There is a big difference between following blindly and actually thinking things through for yourself by doing your homework. There are of course bad apples on both sides, but the one's that do the most damage are democrats and the media. The are a hateful selfish bunch. There is no reasoning with them anymore. They are beyond any reason and only are here to gaslight those that oppose them.
What's bad for the country is emotional idiots who have TDS due to media reprogramming of your soul (they simply cannot think for themselves). It was enough to egg on an assassination attempt (more than once). Projected threats to democracy, and other idiotic projections of danger are all a mental problem of allowing lies to feed your bed of truth. I'll aways go to back to the simple concept of GIGO. If you keep insisting your information is accurate when it is in fact not, that is a major problem for society. It's not just you either, it's a large swath of media programmed fools happy to divide the nation into little pieces. Bidens bid may be over, but his stupidity reigns on through Harris in a much more blatantly wrong way. For me, it's all about results, and the Biden Harris team is the worst administration in American History only achieving division and corruption at the highest levels I have seen in my lifetime.

There is a big difference between following blindly and actually thinking things through for yourself by doing your homework. There are of course bad apples on both sides, but the one's that do the most damage are democrats and the media. The are a hateful selfish bunch. There is no reasoning with them anymore. They are beyond any reason and only are here to gaslight those that oppose them.
You just described yourself and MAGA worshipers to a tee. It's interesting how our debates in this country have boiled down to people seeking to validate their own beliefs are accusing the opposite of doing the exact thing.

As it turns out, I don't really pay any more attention to one side vs. the other. That is you projecting.

If you took a non biased poll of a cross section of people, you would find that they are more in agreement on specific topics than in conflict. It's in the general statements where so much division is sewn.

Regan made that possible by ending the Fairness Doctrine which led to the consolidation of the major media players. So everyone is getting their info funded by the same exact institutions. The same ones that fund our Election Campaigns thanks to Citizens United, another Conservative led initiative.

Division is sewn, with a purpose.

To serve the Crown. Meaning, the whole system is rigged to make the richest richer, and to imbue them with more power.
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Can't wait to read Gorsuchs new book,
Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law
That's a good one.
You have said anyone but Biden or Harris, in actions. Support for Trump says that to anyone that is not part of the MAGA supporters.
That was a very weak response. The truth is he hasn't and isn't saying that. Trump is the one on the ticket.
You just described yourself and MAGA worshipers to a tee. It's interesting how our debates in this country have boiled down to people seeking to validate their own beliefs are accusing the opposite of doing the exact thing.

As it turns out, I don't really pay any more attention to one side vs. the other. That is you projecting.
Like i said, there is no reasoning with GIGO gaslighters. You show me where exactly i gas lite anyone? Calling a spade a spade is not gaslighting. The maga label is not bad unless you hate america or wish to destroy it. So constantly using the label with a bad connotation is you again (over and over), gaslighting for purpose's and agenda's that match the usefull idiots in the media. You need help brother. The system doesn't have to be rigged.
She will run in the middle but govern from the far left.
Actually, she won't be governing at all. She'll be the face of the Presidency but since she can't be bothered to read position papers or even understand position papers, she will leave it to the staff and then berate them when their decisions don't work.

I never knew 50 years ago when I read 1984 that I would live to see it happen right before my eyes. Big brother is watching. And many of you willingly let him in because you like the convenience of asking Alexa what the score of the Yankees game is. We have the NYT removing the flag from the famous failed assassination picture and then putting smiles on the SS members faces. Then we have all the talking heads saying the exact same thing each day because apparently there really are talking points that get passed around. I used to think that was just a joke but not any more. Two weeks ago no one had anything good to say about Kamala. Even the most liberal of "news" outlets talked about her cackling whenever she is asked a question for which she has no answer which is then followed by some word salad response. Kamala hasn't said a word in public since she was coronated that she wasn't reading off a teleprompter. I wonder what will happen if she does end up debating Trump. Is she good enough to memorize answers to all the questions? We know that she will get the questions ahead of time so that she can at least attempt to prepare.

Trump needs to insist on two separate moderators. One the Republicans pick to question Kamala and the other that the Democrats pick to question Trump. The rest of the rules are irrelevant. That is the only way she won't get the questions ahead of time.
She's a pretty poor speaker, i think Trump should debate her
She's a pretty poor speaker, i think Trump should debate her
Only on his terms. He gave into the liberal nonsense last time and won the debate. He's won the right to choose the venue, let liberals pound sand if they don't like it.
The only rule Trump needs is he gets two inquisitors. His people pick hers and her people pick his. That is the only way she won't know the questions ahead of time. It took Biden 10 days of prep with the known questions but he has Alzheimer's. She's just dumb but who knows how good she is at memorizing short, prepared answers.

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