Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

I don't know about anyone else in England but since the slope Joe B threw in the towel all we get over here is speculation.
I'm getting more that fed up of it all I can tell you. Don't bother watching the news channels now , because they've become speculation channels. Which is really boring. Not only that we cannot even vote on those two. There's more stuff now on those three than there was about the contenders in the leadup to our elections. Maybe because it's a slow news period, or that all the people who come up with news stories are all on holiday?
Anyway in summary:
The opinion over here is that the odds on Trump have seriously shortened.
Huge amounts of money are pouring into Kamala's bank account and she will choose a white guy as her VP.
Oh yeh, Robert de Niro says Kamala is wonderful and Trump definitely isn't.
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Continued confirmation that the Democrats are antisemitic and pro-Iranian.

Why have they allowed him to come to the United States? Do you think he will be the next sniper target!
The image below is a really good one. On its face, it appears extremely appropriate, makes for an excellent Republican narrative,
but it all depends on how much (legal) flexibility the Democratic delegates actually have in dissing Biden for Harris.
Don't bother watching the news channels now , because they've become speculation channels. Which is really boring.

You can get as much speculation as you want, just visit AWF!!!

Oh and don't forget the conspiracy theories...
The left is so excited about kamala they have preprinted 850 million new winning ballots in her honor.;)
It sucks really bad, to have a new unknown opponent for the Donald.

Going up against a mirror fogger was one thing.

Declining health is a fact of life. At his age, wisdom would tell a person when to quit and go build houses for poor folks, or something.
Wait what, wasn't he "sharp as a tack, doing trigonometry while performing cartwheels"?
I'm not making any predictions here.
MAGA fear is palpable, this will be interesting to watch.
I love how he starts out with "unprecedented Juncture" MAGA brainwash phrase alert.
"On X, formerly Twitter, Johnson posted, "At this unprecedented juncture in American history, we must be clear about what just happened. The Democrat Party forced the Democrat nominee off the ballot, just over 100 days before the election. Having invalidated the votes of more than 14 million Americans who selected Joe Biden to be the Democrat nominee for president, the self-proclaimed 'party of democracy' has proven exactly the opposite."

Fox News' Chad Pergram tweeted Johnson's claims, accusing Democrats are "violating" norms.

Pergram posted, "This claims to be the party of democracy. Small d democracy. 14 million people went through the process and chose this nominee, Joe Biden and now got together and decided he's no longer suitable. That's not how this system works. They are violating democratic code. And I think that's the problem and I think there'll be a lot said about that in the days ahead.""
"unprecedented Juncture" MAGA uses this so their followers will believe that the Union is actually at risk of failing, and that is it all the Democrats that is it's undoing.

We are going to hear some doozers in the coming weeks. (I couldn't figure out how to spell doozer)
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5 people died in that riet. You supporting it is all the proof we need.
But you are jumping to massively incorrect and unholy conclusions about the causes of those deaths, just like those crazy statistics in covid deaths were pumped up by simply making it lucrative for the hospitals to label every death as a covid death because that's the narrative they were pushing at the time.

In this case, it all goes back to the false claim that DJT was the lone responsible instigator for anyone that died or was hurt during that loosely framed time period. That was the media's and Nancy Pelosi's narrative to deflect away from her own responsibilities to take more precautions that day. The truth is, we all seen what was happened on election night when they stopped the vote counting, when they covered the windows in the counting room to prevent anyone from seeing what they were doing, stuffing ballot boxes with gloves on and tossing the gloves in the trash, and running unfolded pristine ballots through the machines that count the votes. This election had the most mail in ballots in American history. So no, it was not DJT at all. He did what he always does consistently and did nothing unusual that day or out of the ordinary with his supporters.

So comparing Trump to Pelosi is a valid defence.
Pelosi is the elite demagogue and Trump actually cares about and works for the people. Joe Divideum and crew have done nothing but attack there number one political rival with unprecedented lawfare and anyone who supports him with utter distain for existing. It's OK to go point out things you don't like about him and his policies, it's another to portray him personally as an existential threat in any way shape or form with zero evidence to back it up. The supposed evidence is nothing more than a mountain of lies told over and over again in the media to foster violence against him and his supporters (this is the definition of demagoguery. Only after trump's assassination attempt did they take a step back for a few days to realize that this was the case. Now it's full steam ahead again with Kamoola.

Winston Marshall explains it best in the debate with Pelosi

You can smell the MAGA fear in the air. I bet the Donald is hard to be around right now.
Looks like Elon is putting up millions of dollars per month just to combat the cheaters. Oh no, that means the election has to be run legitimately this time. Trump wins Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and it's lights out for democrats. Let's concentrate that anti cheating money over there.
MAGA fear is palpable, this will be interesting to watch.
I love how he starts out with "unprecedented Juncture" MAGA brainwash phrase alert.

The fact that you can't smell the stink emanating from every Democrat orifice and can't smell the Democratic PANIC when their front man revealed that the emperor has no clothes tells me one thing. The ANTIFA brainwash already finished you off.
I can't wait to see the next clown Biden appoints to head the Secret Service. 🤡

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