Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

The problem with MAGA is their absolute rejection of any concept not supported by their brainwashing betters.
You have no idea what the concept of MAGA even is. The fact that it is used as a slogan by that evil orange man is all you know and all you need to know because TDS does not allow you to actually understand what MAGA is all about. You fail to comprehend that it is the platform espoused by Trump that his supporters find so compelling, not Trump as a person. Although, despite some of his more offensive traits, he has others that win out, the most important being that he means what he says and he says what he means. I don't have to agree with him 100% of the time and I don't but it is almost good enough to just know that he will govern based on his campaign promises that makes him the shining star that raises above all other politicians. Most politicians are opportunists. They blow with the wind and say whatever they think will get votes but once elected, they fulfil their promises to their donors and screw the little people. If Trump were trying to sell the Biden agenda, we'd all be throwing rocks at him.

PS MAGA has been used by other politicians as a tag line. DJT did no invent it.
You are entirely missing everything. But, that is a MAGA trait, so you're good.
I'm a registered independent, it's just that since Trump decided to make up lies about Obama's birthright, and the adoption of Qanon methods in their brainwashing, I could no longer justify their viability as a party.

Stay tuned, i will post my Test pretty soon. I'm waiting for some more clever MAGA remarks.
Note you couldn't answer the question. Deflection and distraction
That's a pretty high class answer.
As a women, I am not inclined to assume that a women only rises to power at the foot of a powerful man. However, this one is an exception. She has no redeeming qualities. Each step in her rise to power was with the help of a powerful man. She can't make it on her own. She's had a great increase in popularity these last few days. Why? They're not letting her speak. She is reading prepared speeches from a teleprompter. Once she has to be on her own, she'll be back to the word salad answers. The fact that she has totally shirked her duty to know what is going on in the world while serving as VP should tell you that she's the "pretty" face. The DEI hire. She checks the DEI boxes. Unfortunately, the competent box is sadly empty but the Democrat Machine doesn't care. In fact, it is better. She'll take the glory and let them wield the real power. She will be happy to allow them to make the tough calls and read the briefing papers that she refuses to read.

She has no integrity - starting with allowing herself to be referred to as African-American to ensure she always checked boxes during her raise to fame. Both of her parents are immigrants and neither is from Africa. The term African-American was coined by Jesse Jackson in the 60's and is used to refer to the descendents of slaves imported to America prior to the civil war. She is Indian-American or Jamaican-American if you want to use hyphenated terms. Although we shouldn't lose site of a quote from Teddy Roosevelt.
And no I didn't know she laughed at all. I do know she is not lax on crime, and certainly not a convicted fellon.
You know nothing about this woman or her history and the only reason she isn't a convicted felon is because she wouldn't convict herself for her own drug use.
I do know she is not lax on crime

She will be without a doubt the most radical leftwing loon to hold any government office

Good job AB, cuz you know if one of us just REFERENCED the leftwing crazies backing rioters over law and order, one of them would have said "where is the proof" just to occupy us for another half hour, even though everyone knows it happened. Deflection, distraction, deranged.

And it wasn't isolated - there were tons of celebrities and politicians who organized funds to help get people involved in SERIOUS RIOTING out of jail or pay their bail.

That's being lax on law and order
According to the rumor mill, Kamala has been impossible to work for.

An old college buddy was an attorney for the state of CA during her tenure as Attorney General. He says she didn't give input or guidance when decisions had to be made. She didn't make decisions. She let somebody under her make the decision when the time came that one had to be made. If it turned out to be the right decision she issued a press release and took credit. If not the one who made the decision was thrown under the bus.
You have no idea what the concept of MAGA even is. The fact that it is used as a slogan by that evil orange man is all you know and all you need to know because TDS does not allow you to actually understand what MAGA is all about. You fail to comprehend that it is the platform espoused by Trump that his supporters find so compelling, not Trump as a person. Although, despite some of his more offensive traits, he has others that win out, the most important being that he means what he says and he says what he means. I don't have to agree with him 100% of the time and I don't but it is almost good enough to just know that he will govern based on his campaign promises that makes him the shining star that raises above all other politicians. Most politicians are opportunists. They blow with the wind and say whatever they think will get votes but once elected, they fulfil their promises to their donors and screw the little people. If Trump were trying to sell the Biden agenda, we'd all be throwing rocks at him.

PS MAGA has been used by other politicians as a tag line. DJT did no invent it.
Except he doesn't, does he. The slogan is purly for getting votes.

He said he had the best, most awesome, never before seen program to fix our broken medical system. Best in history.


He lowered taxes on the richest .01% no one benefited from that except the ultra rich.
What else made America Great, oh yeah encouraging the riot at the capital, trying to coerce the Georgia vote counter guy,
Withholding funds from the Ukraine, our stated ally against Russian aggression, for pure political gain.

I'm sorry Pat, MAGA is exactly what I think it is, a platform for the exultation of the Trump god. A New York Conman, arguably the best that ever lived. He pulled off the long con on his own people and got almost 300 million dollars of their money, and they are happy to oblige.
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An old college buddy was an attorney for the state of CA during her tenure as Attorney General. He says she didn't give input or guidance when decisions had to be made. She didn't make decisions. She let somebody under her make the decision when the time came that one had to be made. If it turned out to be the right decision she issued a press release and took credit. If not the one who made the decision was thrown under the bus.
Not at all different than the Trump Administration.

I can't wait to hear the feed back on this, next we'll be hearing how smooth it was for all the folks in his admin.
Do you mean QAnon? And will this be on the "Test"?
The test is not really a pass or fail thing. It's very simple, and it helps bring some clarity. It's more about helping someone determine our own level of obsession with our ideology.

The basses of it, is how others across a wide range of backgrounds see us. And you take it from one infinity, to the infinity at the other end.
So a scale from 0 to infinity. You do this exercise for a number of real issues, not the he said, she said, bull crap we do here. Real issues that are important to all Americans, and pretty much all mankind.

Once you have performed this exercise, you extrapolate how other see you on this value line. if you're really brave you can ask them about where they think they lie on the line, and where they think you lie on it. So if you start hearing that you are far to the left on issues you thought you were one the right, it can be a real moment of clarity.

I'm about 50/50,an observation, that most on the far left, or the far right, would not agree with. But I found that I can piss them off with equal ferocity.

It's a trial many people are unwilling to expose themselves in that way. I do it all the time, but on here I have chosen an adversarial position to see how hardened people's boxed in positions can be.
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Her extreme liberal politics. You understand she has a track record people can Google.
If she wins, you gotta blame yourselves. Just like I was prepared to blame the Dems for losing, cause Tramp cannot win, only someone else has to hand it to him. Biden couldn't win, Trump had to lose.

Trump never won, Clinton gift wrapped if for him.
She will be without a doubt the most radical leftwing loon to hold any government office
Currently, Harris and the Democrats are snubbing Netanyahu. That is downright gross and a demonstration of antisemitism to the leader of Israel. Harris also expressed "sympathy" for the Palestinians in Gaza, neglecting that those in Gaza have been attacking Israel for years. The Democrats have been supporting Iran and providing Hamas with claimed humanitarian aid. Neither Biden nor Harris have called on Hamas to surrender, but they want Israel to not attack Hamas. That is absurd. Has Harris condemned that antisemitic protests in the US? The Democrats, now led by Harris are supporting the terrorists! Democrats are tossing Israel under the bus.

During the 2020 presidential campaign, Harris and Biden met with Black racists. Not only that, but Harris was out there soliciting funds to bail-out Black racists from jail. She supported the racist corrupt organization Black Lives Matters.

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