Biden Ends Presidential Bid.

The opinion over here is that the odds on Trump have seriously shortened
I think his odds have shortened a tiny, tiny bit, but in the long term America isn't quite ready for a "black" (or passing as black) female president and it's just not going to happen. Hopefully she speaks and speeches as much as possible, that's her achilles heel is when she opens her mouth
Lol No one. I pass my own test. A test no MAGA obsessed could ever pass.

You see to paint with a pretty broad brush. I'm no Trump worshipper, I just vote Republican and prefer what they stand for.
Lol No one. I pass my own test. A test no MAGA obsessed could ever pass.
Good for you. But you couldn't pass my test so you fail😁

Good rumors are floating around. Biden is going to resign and turn over the reigns to Cackling Kamala. I can't wait. The public will get to see her being the President before they have to vote for her. The people who don't want Kamala to be President are very powerful and will do to her what they did to Joe. They got Joe to agree to a debate that would prove his incapacity without an iota of a doubt. Now they will do the same thing by making Kamala the President prematurely.

Good money laundering trick to get 50+ million in small donations into Kamala's Presidential campaign fund overnight. I forget what they call it but they take the millions in large donations and match it with a list of former donors and using computers route the money to numerous banks and then out again and to Kamala's campaign.
Isn't your party the one who burns the American flag, rips up the constitution, and screams at Jews on college campuses? Or am I missing something 🤔
You are entirely missing everything. But, that is a MAGA trait, so you're good.
I'm a registered independent, it's just that since Trump decided to make up lies about Obama's birthright, and the adoption of Qanon methods in their brainwashing, I could no longer justify their viability as a party.

Stay tuned, i will post my Test pretty soon. I'm waiting for some more clever MAGA remarks.
Good for you. But you couldn't pass my test so you fail😁

Good rumors are floating around. Biden is going to resign and turn over the reigns to Cackling Kamala. I can't wait. The public will get to see her being the President before they have to vote for her. The people who don't want Kamala to be President are very powerful and will do to her what they did to Joe. They got Joe to agree to a debate that would prove his incapacity without an iota of a doubt. Now they will do the same thing by making Kamala the President prematurely.

Good money laundering trick to get 50+ million in small donations into Kamala's Presidential campaign fund overnight. I forget what they call it but they take the millions in large donations and match it with a list of former donors and using computers route the money to numerous banks and then out again and to Kamala's campaign.
Those AM Radio Rush Hour Talking Heads are good, I give them credit for being on top of the spin.
You have time to listen to talk radio? I don't. I guess that explains everything doesn't it. You listen to talk radio. I don't;)
You certainly repeat what they say. I can almost always tell who listens to them.
But you defend the Biden crime family and the laughing one, so your a small "d" Democrat.
When have I defended Biden?

I have always maintained that Trump supporters fall back on attacking Biden when they Orange guy is indefensible. Don't mistake my wanting MAGA to dry up with support for Biden.

Now, if you include a scale that include Trump, and is graded on that curve, than yes, Biden would have my support. Literally any mirror fogger over Trump.
You certainly repeat what they say.
Maybe they're repeating what I say. Did you ever think of that? Thoughts originate somewhere. Most talking heads repeat what they hear others say. They are not original thinkers.
You see to paint with a pretty broad brush. I'm no Trump worshipper, I just vote Republican and prefer what they stand for.
I agree a lot with what Republicans stand for. And the people that I know that are Republicans are usually very moral, giving, honorable, and generous folks. I would say that for the most part I would prefer the company of Republicans to that of Woke Liberals.

The problem with MAGA is their absolute rejection of any concept not supported by their brainwashing betters. And even if a solution that is 100% MAGA in spirit they will reject if offhand. And no amount of evidence is even considered when they evaluate the divinity of their savior. And by savior , I am not speaking of Christ.

There is only one God, and Trump is his instrument on Earth. That is literally, translated from the Hillbilly English MAGA Bible.

So, ask me how I really real. lol.
OK here's one, liberals always campaign in the center but govern to the extreme left.
You mean Democrats?

Liberals are pretty consistent. The problem for the Democrats is demographics and the lack of organized propaganda. In this time period right now, MAGA and Qanon have galvanized a large portion of Republican support. Even if it represents the farthest Right this country has seen since McCarthy, it has a large following.

All Trump had to do was play on the fears and desires fueled by the Ganon conspiracy theories.
Cackling Kamala. You know, the one who laughs hysterically whenever she's asked a question she hasn't a clue how to answer. She's no good on her feet. Only on her knees.
That's a pretty high class answer. Did you get it from Trump's book on useful insults?

And no I didn't know she laughed at all. I do know she is not lax on crime, and certainly not a convicted fellon.

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