Coronavirus - are we all doomed?

True, Adam. You are apparently competing for the position.
yeah but the difference between me and Trump is simply that I'm poor and he's rich or maybe the other difference is I'm an intellectual and he's an idiot kind of like you right?

OK you guys. since so many people are disliking this, I guess I will call richard uninformed, not an idiot. that better?
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Now this speaks volumes. Ya know what they say - when you point the finger of blame, there are 3 fingers pointing back at you...
Sadly, the point will be lost on many, but most regrettably perhaps, it would soar over the head of the finger pointer.
Sounds like your daring him to ban you Señor.
most of the stuff he sends me I can't see because the comment has been deleted but then again it makes me wonder why I get so many of those messages from him because Richard and I go out each other virtually all day long here. And no I'm not daring him at all why would you think that
This is because they think the advice to isolate etc is an infringement of their civil rights to freedom blah blah. Is this true? What is the matter with these people?
In the UK, we have total lockdown except for those unable to work from home, all shops, restaurants cafes- everything are closed. We want to end this, even if the USA doesn't.

What's in the "blah blah" is the core of America.

By and large most people understand the seriousness of it. Here in my State only essential business's are open. I can still go to the grocery store and try and find something to eat. I can go to a hardware store and get stuff to fix broken items in my home, etc. In the beginning of all of this, our stores looked like they belonged in cold-war Russia, that is getting slowly back to normal now. I can go walk, kayak (if I had one and the desire), I can fish on a boat if it's to feed my family, i can't go recreational boating.... etc.

Mostly it's being accepted. But recently there were some protests in the States Capital after the Governor extended the school/business/stay-at-home order an additional two weeks. The problem a lot of people have is it seems this is never ending. First two weeks, then a month more, then before we're through the month, an additional two weeks. At first it was - the science says masks only helps if you have it, now we're told the science says it helps no matter what. Plus, then the Governor week after week just kept putting on new laws and fining/arresting people. Like hey, I can understand you really can't have beaches be wide open to a bunch of people - but is it really worthwhile to arrest one guy by himself on that same closed beach? It seems a warning first, fine second is more appropriate.

And a lot just isn't understood. why can I go on a fishing charter where it's impossible to get 6 feet apart, but hairdressers cannot be open when they could wear masks and practice safer things (face shields), etc. Why can I go into a grocery store with a mask, that at times isn't social distancing, but Churches are closed when they could wear masks and have distancing. It seems - inconsistent. Not that I'd have any better method for determining things but I can understand the confusion.

Then add to all of that, in my State/County was completely unprepared for any situation like this. Those parents fortunate enough to home school are having to juggle work, homeschooling, etc. while the teachers provide a whole whopping 1/2 hour video time a week when they read a book to all the kids that are able to join. Other parts of the same State do video every day.
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On a side note I just got another slap on the hand from Colin about an inappropriate comment. Go figure
I did no such thing, I certainly wouldn't send you a PM, and you make too many inappropriate comments to bother with.
Does anyone know what happened to Covids 1 to 18?

What's in the "blah blah" is the core of America. The whole bit about you can't tell me what to do you little freak of a child King-thing!

By and large most people understand the seriousness of it. Here in my State only essential business's are open. I can still go to the grocery store and try and find something to eat. I can go to a hardware store and get stuff to fix broken items in my home, etc. In the beginning of all of this, our stores looked like they belonged in cold-war Russia, that is getting slowly back to normal now. I can go walk, kayak (if I had one and the desire), I can fish on a boat if it's to feed my family, i can't go recreational boating.... etc.

Mostly it's being accepted. But recently there were some protests in the States Capital after the Governor extended the school/business/stay-at-home order an additional two weeks. The problem a lot of people have is it seems this is never ending. First two weeks, then a month more, then before we're through the month, an additional two weeks. At first it was - the science says masks only helps if you have it, now we're told the science says it helps no matter what. Plus, then the Governor week after week just kept putting on new laws and fining/arresting people. Like hey, I can understand you really can't have beaches be wide open to a bunch of people - but is it really worthwhile to arrest one guy by himself on that same closed beach? It seems a warning first, fine second is more appropriate.

And a lot just isn't understood. why can I go on a fishing charter where it's impossible to get 6 feet apart, but hairdressers cannot be open when they could wear masks and practice safer things (face shields), etc. Why can I go into a grocery store with a mask, that at times isn't social distancing, but Churches are closed when they could wear masks and have distancing. It seems - inconsistent. Not that I'd have any better method for determining things but I can understand the confusion.

Then add to all of that, in my State/County was completely unprepared for any situation like this. Those parents fortunate enough to home school are having to juggle work, homeschooling, etc. while the teachers provide a whole whopping 1/2 hour video time a week when they read a book to all the kids that are able to join. Other parts of the same State do video every day.
And before anyone says this is because Trumps and idiot, it has to do with individual Governors (50) of them calling their own shots. States Rights remember?
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Not sure how that would work...:rolleyes:

IMO - she's not based in reality. The reality today, now is there are plenty of people who want to work for the most obvious reasons - but no jobs that can have them work.

So go ahead, boycott. Boycotting isn't a bail-out situation.
IMO - she's not based in reality. The reality today, now is there are plenty of people who want to work for the most obvious reasons - but no jobs that can have them work.

So go ahead, boycott. Boycotting isn't a bail-out situation.
Right? Plus wouldn't an illegal immigrant come and snatch those low paying jobs anyway? Priceless.

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