Harris/Walz Ticket

I didn't expect this one. Now Kamoola is stealing Trumps campaign promise to those who are in restaurant service positions to allow for no taxes on tips. This is a great idea that Trump has been endorsing for quite some time now. Now over the weekend, guess what the democrats are trying to do? Yep, no taxes on tips is on her teleprompter. If you ask her when and where she got this idea from, there is going to be some squirming and pontificating of the facts. She literally stole the idea from Trump and is trying to claim it as her own. She has done the exact opposite while in her current position, so why on earth would any sane person think things are going to change with another term of the lying empty headed border czar.

Again, now Trump will beat her like a drum when it comes to when exactly she came up with this idea. It's going to be spectacular to hear her response. Knock out punch coming soon.

Who here is so dumb as to believe otherwise?
I didn't expect this one. Now Kamoola is stealing Trumps campaign promise to those who are in restaurant service positions to allow for no taxes on tips. This is a great idea that Trump has been endorsing for quite some time now. Now over the weekend, guess what the democrats are trying to do? Yep, no taxes on tips is on her teleprompter. If you ask her when and where she got this idea from, there is going to be some squirming and pontificating of the facts. She literally stole the idea from Trump and is trying to claim it as her own. She has done the exact opposite while in her current position, so why on earth would any sane person think things are going to change with another term of the lying empty headed border czar.

Again, now Trump will beat her like a drum when it comes to when exactly she came up with this idea. It's going to be spectacular to hear her response. Knock out punch coming soon.

Who here is so dumb as to believe otherwise?
Trump is beating Democrats on traditional liberal issues, so good.
Now Kamoola is stealing Trumps campaign promise to those who are in restaurant service positions to allow for no taxes on tips. This is a great idea that Trump has been endorsing for quite some time now.
by the way,
You're probably correct if preparing a list was all that transpired. It's all the other overt acts which elevates it to the criminal realm.
It'll be interesting to see what Ellis is going to testify to.
I understand overt acts going toward proving a conspiracy crime, I'm just unsure what the crime is, but then again, I haven't studied this case at all, so me not knowing doesn't mean much.
That's because she's incapable of an original thought.
This is all self inflected DEI karma. Had they wanted the best based on ability they wouldn't be dealing with all these crazy fringe elements within their party.

The disarray inside and out at the upcoming convention should be interesting, doubtful the lame stream media will cover it.
I just saw a montage of video clips where Harris bragged about being a tough tough tough prosecutor.
Also consider the Democratic mantra of "no one is above the law".
  • If the above statements are true, why do we have millions of illegal immigrants in this country?
  • Why was Harris collecting bail money to get rioters out of jail? When have you ever heard of a prosecutor bailing people out of jail?
Didn't kamala cast the tiebreaker vote to cause the escalation of tax on tips, now she wants to end it
which was copying ron paul's no tax on tips from 2012. Go figure.
You see no difference between adopting something proposed by another member of your own party vs copying the proposals of your opposition? OK. Too bad when Trump went hard against illegal immigration, the Dems went all in for it when the day before they had been hard against it. "the answer my friends is blowin' in the wind. The answer is blowin' in the wind."
Someone needs to tell Kamala that she is in office NOW and doesn't have to wait till "day one" to bring down my grocery bills.
Someone needs to tell Kamala that she is in office NOW and doesn't have to wait till "day one" to bring down my grocery bills.
She has no intention of doing that. She's pretending that she isn't in charge so the people who think she is the second coming won't guess that she fully intends to implement the existing policies should she actually win.
In a rare display of being transparent, CNN reports: Walz once praised Muslim leader who shared antisemitic propaganda
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz once praised a cleric and leader in the Muslim community who has spread antisemitic content on Facebook, according to video newly revealed by the Washington Examiner.
This reminds my of how the Democrats, when Obama ran, covered-up Jeremiah Wright and Obama's association with left-wing radicals. Had the media been transparent, Obama may never have won and we wouldn't be experiencing Obama's "transformation" of the US. Will the media disclose Walz left-wing associations?
Ron Paul was a republican?
OMG you really had to reach back far to find someone with the same idea. There is nothing new under the sun of course, but clearly Trump is copied by Kamala
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OMG you really had to reach back far to find someone with the same idea.
Not really. There were a few current articles mocking trump for thinking this was some new idea and that he was being copied by Kamala.

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