RIP Steve Irwin

Hed look right at home here surely - Pat Rafter, Steve Waugh and Mark Taylor?

2006 Professor Ian Frazer

2005 Fiona Wood AM (b.1958)

2004 Steve Waugh (b. 1965)

2003 Professor Fiona Stanley AC (b. 1946)

2002 Patrick Rafter (b. 1972)

2001 Lt General Peter Cosgrove AC MC (b. 1947)

2000 Sir Gustav Nossal AC CBE FAA FRS (b. 1931)

1999 Mark Taylor (b. 1963 )

1998 Cathy Freeman (b. 1973 )

1997 Professor Peter Doherty (b. 1940 )

1996 Doctor John Yu AM (b. 1934)

1995 Arthur Boyd AC OBE (b. 1920 )

1994 Ian Kiernan OAM (b. 1940 )
Groundrush said:
It's the usual problem here on this forum & most others I've seen, some people mainly post comments to provoke a negative response.
Thats one school of thought, another maybe that some people post comments to make others aware or perhaps to cast a different light on things.

Anyway, this geezer Irwin - I understand he did excellent things in the conservation area and will be missed because of that and I hope his good work is continued. I'm not sure a state funeral is necessary though, thats a bit OTT in my book.

I'm not a big fan of these shows where people use wild animals for showbiz and to antagonise them into a defensive attack just for the TV cameras - its little more than a circus - especially if the presenter is holding a baby whilst baiting a croc into an attack.

Everyone jealous because he's getting a state funeral? :D What's the big deal anyway? Does anyone think he cares? He's dead!

When I die, I don't care what's done with what's left of me honestly. I would be just as happy picked by vultures as I would sent into outer space in a super coffin with neon lights to light up the sky so everyone knows I'm there.
Vassago said:
as I would sent into outer space in a super coffin with neon lights to light up the sky so everyone knows I'm there.

:D Sounds pricey.

I think people are making too big a deal out of it. His family turned it down anyway and opted for a private funeral.
MrsGorilla said:
:D Sounds pricey.

I think people are making too big a deal out of it. His family turned it down anyway and opted for a private funeral.

Oh, so now they feel they are too GOOD for a State funeral. :D :p :rolleyes:
Vassago said:

Oh, so now they feel they are too GOOD for a State funeral. :D :p :rolleyes:

Oh, yes. They're much better than all the slobs who get State funerals. :D
Rich said:
I don't actually detest the guy and I have enormous sympathy for his family.
Maybe life has made me too cynical, as far as memorial services go I've only ever been to three and one of those was the worst day in my life.

I can't imagine that a day that you had to attend a memorial service would exactly be one of the BEST days of anyone's life.

I've only been to a handful myself, thank god.
I'll be attending one in the near future, I'm certain as my brother-in-law is nearing his end with his fight with cancer. (Not much of a fight... kicked his ass.)

Great guy... has his faults... but I'm sure no one will focus on them at the funeral. We'll just talk about the best times we had.
hooks said:

I saw it when it aired last night. Norm's not one of my favorites, but that really was pretty funny - thanks for posting so I could see it again. Poor Jon trying so hard not to send himself straight to hell by laughing. :p

Do Brits watch TDSwJS or even know who Jon Stewart is? FYI former President Clinton will be on Monday.
Idjit said:
Do Brits watch TDSwJS or even know who Jon Stewart is? FYI former President Clinton will be on Monday.
We get to see it if we stay up late enough, the Irwin sketch was very funny and akin to the British sense of humour;)
Rich said:
We get to see it if we stay up late enough, the Irwin sketch was very funny and akin to the British sense of humour;)

You know, because all British have the exact same sense of humor. ;)

Loved the skit BTW. I saw it on TDS. He is a funny funny man. So is Colbert.
Rich said:
I hope you realise that you'll be slated in this thread for not joining in the eulogy to Irwin Here:eek:

What eulogy. :):)
No problem. My favorite Norm McDonald joke is when he was doing the weekend update on Saturday Night Live and said the following mind you it was around christmas time.
"Kenny G put out a new Christmas album. Happy birthday Jesus, hope you like crap."

I laugh hard every time i see that.
hooks said:
No problem. My favorite Norm McDonald joke is when he was doing the weekend update on Saturday Night Live and said the following mind you it was around christmas time.
"Kenny G put out a new Christmas album. Happy birthday Jesus, hope you like crap."

I laugh hard every time i see that.

One of my favorites was when the whole OJ thing was going on and they showed something about the hat he was supposedly wearing when he did it. Norm said something about OJ shouting out in the courtroom "Hey, that's my lucky stabbing cap!" I always laugh at that one. :D
The OJ ones were always good. When he got acquitted, I remember Norm announcing:

"Well it's official -- murder is legal in the state of California."

Here's a link to the transcripts of all his Weekend Updates:

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