Speak English

Rich said:
Did you pay with Pesetas? :D
Hah! I wouldn't have complained, if I had... Thinking about it a little more now: I wonder if they sold Cohibas...
jsanders said:
Why do you suppose people in our country are advocating changing government documents to be in Spanish as well as English?

States are being sued for it, the general population disagrees with it, yet it continues.

Who are these people? Certainly, you would expect a more thought out response from the Hispanic intelligentsia, but they are some of the most ardent supporters. You would think the Spanish speaking politicians would get on a “learn English” band wagon, but none has materialized.

I think it’s a conspiracy to create a divided class in our country. Race didn’t work, so let’s use language and culture to create a new class of working poor. Why else would so many people encourage the spread of the Spanish language in our country?

We have never faced this problem on such a wide spread basis before. At the very time when European American numbers are dwindling, Latino numbers in the US are growing. Not a bad problem in itself, except when you consider that most of the Latinos bring their culture with them, a culture predominated by disdain for education and where the rich own everything.

Here in Northern Virginia it is almost a weekly occasion where an Hispanic man gets run over by a car. And daily you have to stop to keep from hitting someone walking out in front of you. Why are we alloying this language and culture to infiltrate our country to this extent?

Despite your protestations to the contrary it's quite obvious that you're opposed to change.
What is it exactly that you're afraid of?
Canada manages very well with two languages and more than one culture, why can't you.
Rich said:
Canada manages very well with two languages and more than one culture ......

Yes, same as Belgium, although I'm not sure about the culture being one there :rolleyes:
Rich said:
Despite your protestations to the contrary it's quite obvious that you're opposed to change.
What is it exactly that you're afraid of?
Canada manages very well with two languages and more than one culture, why can't you.
Oh yea, that's why Quebec wants to succeed.
What a good example :rolleyes:
Everything You Always Wanted to KNow but Were Too Smart to Ask
Does the English language make much sense?
No. English, it may be a stupid language, but it's ours. We eat eggplants without eggs, hamburgers without ham, and pineapples that have neither pine nor apples. We also pick at sweetmeats, which are meatless candies, and sweetbreads, which are unsweetened, breadless meat.
I'm still too sick to talk today. But maybe tomorrow I'll enlighten our British buddy.
Rich said:
Despite your protestations to the contrary it's quite obvious that you're opposed to change.
What is it exactly that you're afraid of?
Canada manages very well with two languages and more than one culture, why can't you.

Ah! Canada another country Rich is an expert on without, apparently ,having visited.
If he has deepest apologies but his perception is very different to the one I came away with.

Brianwarnock said:
Ah! Canada another country Rich is an expert on without, apparently ,having visited.
If he has deepest apologies but his perception is very different to the one I came away with.

I've lost count of the number of times I've been on the piste in Canada Brian, with both those of British and French descent, I'm well aware of the dispute in Canada between what's seen as British Canada and French Canada. Those divisions are deep rooted in history and are still caused because some French don't want the Queen as head of state and still live in the past, although I have to say the French claim for independence does not have universal support even amongst the French in Canada.
It's not the same problem being discussed on this thread, unless it's being suggested that the Hispanics are going to demand independence for it's lost colonies.
Oh and by the way one gets one's education by learning, would you accuse me of not having any knowledge of WW11 simply because I didn't live through it?
Many areas on the border are more than 50% Hispanic. Unlike the Québécois who want their own country, these largely Hispanic areas will never ask to secede as long as we provide free healthcare and other welfare benefits. They don't want to be independent, they'd have to take care of themselves and they certainly don't want to attach themselves to Mexico or Cuba.
pono1 said:
Someone take away Len's whiskey -- he's throwing around his intellect in the WaterCooler.


Okay I apoligissssssssssssse
Rich said:
The Barred Plymouth Rock , is barred meant in the literal sense here? :confused: :D

Main Entry: 2bar
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): barred; bar·ring
1 a : to fasten with a bar b : to place bars across to prevent ingress or egress
2 : to mark with bars : STRIPE
3 a : to confine or shut in by or as if by bars b : to set aside : RULE OUT c : to keep out : EXCLUDE
4 a : to interpose legal objection to or to the claim of b : PREVENT, FORBID :D
Pat Hartman said:
Many areas on the border are more than 50% Hispanic. Unlike the Québécois who want their own country, these largely Hispanic areas will never ask to secede as long as we provide free healthcare and other welfare benefits. They don't want to be independent, they'd have to take care of themselves and they certainly don't want to attach themselves to Mexico or Cuba.
This viewpoint doesn't seem to be supported by the statistics posted for the border area in Texas. That clearly shows that poverty levels amongst Hispanics in the area are very high and their health is generally poor because they receive no healthcare benefits at all. I have to wonder how much of singling out a specific race for this claim is actually warranted and how much is a myth perpetrated and fuelled by a populist right wing press.
1 in 7 of the American population is Hispanic, in order to lay claim to the charge that they all live on benefits would mean that the entire unemployed of America are Hispanic.
Maybe there just aren’t enough jobs for them in the border areas, are there any government schemes to assist them with moving to areas where there are jobs, are there any government training schemes?
Does the government do anything at all to alleviate the problem?
Rich said:
Maybe there just aren’t enough jobs for them in the border areas, are there any government schemes to assist them with moving to areas where there are jobs, are there any government training schemes?
Does the government do anything at all to alleviate the problem?

When did this become the governments job?
Most choose to live there to be close to Mexico.
A new software program we are reviewing here, our branch in Wyoming wants to know if it does spanish because of the large hispanic population there. Seems that those folks moved without government assistance.
FoFa said:
When did this become the governments job?
When it becomes a problem in the first place

Most choose to live there to be close to Mexico.
Isn't that because having slipped over the border they haven't ventured any further?
FoFa said:
A new software program we are reviewing here, our branch in Wyoming wants to know if it does spanish because of the large hispanic population there.
So is this sofware for dealing with benefit claims from mainly Hispanics?
Rich said:
FoFa said:
When did this become the governments job?
When it becomes a problem in the first place
That does not mean it is a government problem. Maybe in those backward countries like Europe and such, but in the forward thinking coutries it is recongnised after you grow up you have to take some responsability yourself, Mom and Dad are gone and government is not suppose to replace them.
FoFa said:
That does not mean it is a government problem. .
Yes it does because the alternative is a lynch mob driven along by an hysterical populace

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