
Do you ever talk to anyone in your neighborhood and have a civil conversation that allows you to see someone else's point of view? Can you have an open mind?

I think we can both agree on this simple statement:
Garbage in, garbage out.

Any garbage information we get from any of our news sources is going to create garbage out conclusions. You obviously are labeling people as nationalists which is a term that the left has brought to the forefront for political division reasons. Everything the left does tries to divide us. I would rather we all discuss things civilly and preferably face to face as there is more natural respect given in person. Doing this online is is too easy to go into your corner and honker down or throw around insults. I'm guilty of it myself, but I really think people need to at least see one another on the common ground we share instead of immediately jumping into the differences. It's not easy, but I sure wish we would try.

I see there are comments made online for various YouTube videos dealing with politics and you would think there is not a human being on the other side of the keyboard. It's that bad. I think the only way to get around this is more face to face discussion. Not shouting protester mobs either, as that is just talking over one another and solves nothing.
I agree with you about the divisive nature of certain terms. Truly though, Conservatives lead the fold when it comes to divisive labels. We should look that up.
There must be a common ground.
Not if you do insane things like forcing people to stop cooking with gas or forcing pizza parlors to cook pizza with electricity - ick. I am 100% behind minimizing pollution and I abhor our overuse of plastic packaging. When my daughter was in the "Barbie" phase, I flatly refused to buy packages that contained a hundred tiny pieces of stuff, where each was made of plastic and then individually lassoed with plastic and stapled to a cardboard backing. Not only did it aggravate me to have to take it apart, it aggravated me permanently because the tiny pieces ended up all over the house. OK, maybe the cat had something to do with that. It wasn't all my daughter's fault.

I am also 100% against reducing my standard of living to that of peasants of the 17th century or even current day Afghanistan. There are very efficient types of energy available today. Natural gas and nuclear are two of them. Fleet vehicles like the PO and city vehicles can use natural gas. Relatively inexpensive with good distribution systems already in place. These vehicles come home at the end of a shift and so there is no problem with refueling them. And unlike EVs, they still work in the winter in northern climates. We don't need to ra** the earth for the metals needed to make batteries. We don't need to rebuild our roads and bridges to handle vehicles weighing twice as much as they were built to handle. We don't have to figure out how to efficiently recycle used batteries. Do some research. Find out how many EV charging stations the government has built with the ~8 billion dollars they were allocated during the past 3 years. Compare that to the number built by Tesla and at what cost.

Our electric grid is the most vulnerable part of our infrastructure. An enemy can send us to the dark ages in an instant and you probably think all vehicles should be electric. I guess you live a life where you can just skip going to the office or taking the kid to the doctor's if the power company shuts off the power to your EV charger because there is a heat wave or something happened to their energy source. Well, like it or not, electricity is currently primarily generated by coal and natural gas and some oil. Someday, solar and wind would become more efficient but TODAY, as we speak, nuclear could easily fill the gap - except that it takes more than a decade to get a new plant approved so I guess you'll have to ride your bike for a few years. Unless we can figure out a better way to distribute electricity, we need to generate it as close to where it is used as is feasible. How close to a coal fired plant are you willing to live? Small nukes have gotten feasible and very safe. The accident in Japan a few years ago was totally preventable. All the Japanese had to do was to tell the world what the problem was and help would have arrived immediately to prevent the leak. The further the distance electricity travels, the more of it that gets lost. So it is a very inefficient fuel in that regard. Also, generating it closer to where it is used, minimizes the damage that terrorists or enemies or even natural disaster can do to the country at large. Instead of taking out 5 power plants, terrorists have to take out 100 and destroy thousands of miles of power lines rather than just a few major ones.

Our goals are actually very much in sync. What deviates is how we think the problems should be solved.
The Trump worshipers are by far the worst
See, there you are, devolving to name calling. This is what you say that conservatives do but the reality of it is that you are the one alienating the people who are trying to have a rational discussion with you.
Maybe it's because our LGPT folks are intimidated by the MAGA rednecks.
Why do you think you own LGPT folks? And why do you think that MAGA supporters are rednecks? What kind of a slur is "redneck" anyway. What if we brought back the term "n*gg**"? How would that go over? At least "rednecks" don't think they own any.
Is there ever any doubt in people's mind as to how far right you are?
Is that another slur? Is it possible for you to read what you write with a critical eye? Is it wrong to care about how the government spends the money it takes from me at g*npoint? Is it wrong to think that you shouldn't be deciding on whether or not to kill a baby after it is born? Is it wrong to think that a country without borders isn't a country at all? Is it wrong to believe the Bill of Rights has meaning?
And, like everything else MAGA, only they have the right to force their beliefs on everyone.
What are you talking about??????? Listen to yourself. Who is forcing you to believe anything. You are participating in a conversation, although it just seems like a way for you to distribute slurs. Instead of attacking people you think you disagree with, why not engage in a conversation that does not end every time with you calling people names. Why not try to explain why YOUR solutions are better, cheaper, faster, more efficient? whatever? Maybe, if you actually think about what you think the solution to a problem is, you will see the gaps in the execution plan and maybe rework the solution so something that has a short, medium, and long term goals. Maybe spending my life listening to people's problems and helping them with solutions has warped my thinking. Goals are silly. Let's just go with virtue signalling. I'll feel better.
Good job, you have taken the time to offer a rebuttal that mirrors the ridiculous nature of the point you are rebutting.
It's these kinds of statements that make it truly impossible to talk to you. Every answer you have is an extreme reaction.
Apparently hyperbole is too subtle for you so I apologize for the intellectual challenge.
Doc said MAGA is a phrase. But your post indicates it is an area of a state. Its very confusing to foreigners.

Col, "maga" is just a derogatory thing at this point that liberals call anyone voting Republican, it means little to nothing any more. saying "___ country" just means a part of the country with a lot of whatever-it-is.
LGPT folks are intimidated by the MAGA rednecks

If they are rednecks why are all the business people behind Republicans generally?

And what the heck is an LGPT folk? Is this the latest thing I must wear a tshirt to Affirm or something?
Col, "maga" is just a derogatory thing at this point that liberals call anyone voting Republican, it means little to nothing any more. saying "___ country" just means a part of the country with a lot of whatever-it-is.
Thanks, got it now. Its an anti-trump thing.
Why are Americans full of acronyms and initials? Are you too lazy to say the proper meaning? If you refer to a state, you can't be bothered to say it properly, you reduce it to two letters. So someone has an election mantra, that gets reduced to initials. How about POTUS or VPOTUS? It's very confusing. There must be dozens of others. MAGA could be Make Australia Great Again, or Andorra, or Angola or Austria.
It's such a shame Americans can't speak correct English without ruining it.
See, there you are, devolving to name calling. This is what you say that conservatives do but the reality of it is that you are the one alienating the people who are trying to have a rational discussion with you.

Why do you think you own LGPT folks? And why do you think that MAGA supporters are rednecks? What kind of a slur is "redneck" anyway. What if we brought back the term "n*gg**"? How would that go over? At least "rednecks" don't think they own any.

Is that another slur? Is it possible for you to read what you write with a critical eye? Is it wrong to care about how the government spends the money it takes from me at g*npoint? Is it wrong to think that you shouldn't be deciding on whether or not to kill a baby after it is born? Is it wrong to think that a country without borders isn't a country at all? Is it wrong to believe the Bill of Rights has meaning?

What are you talking about??????? Listen to yourself. Who is forcing you to believe anything. You are participating in a conversation, although it just seems like a way for you to distribute slurs. Instead of attacking people you think you disagree with, why not engage in a conversation that does not end every time with you calling people names. Why not try to explain why YOUR solutions are better, cheaper, faster, more efficient? whatever? Maybe, if you actually think about what you think the solution to a problem is, you will see the gaps in the execution plan and maybe rework the solution so something that has a short, medium, and long term goals. Maybe spending my life listening to people's problems and helping them with solutions has warped my thinking. Goals are silly. Let's just go with virtue signalling. I'll feel better.

Apparently hyperbole is too subtle for you so I apologize for the intellectual challenge.
Wow, I truly have never in my life known someone that is so obsessed with being right as you are.
Champion it is. You win all debates, lets hope the Savior get's elected to office.
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If they are rednecks why are all the business people behind Republicans generally?

And what the heck is an LGPT folk? Is this the latest thing I must wear a tshirt to Affirm or something?
I know you are being funny.
I probably got the initials wrong.
There is a distinction between MAGA and MAGA Rednecks, but the Rednecks are much more verbose.
I think there is a significant possibility that either the dollar will be joined by other Currencies as the World's Reserve. Which will force changes as yet not seen for a hundred years.
Or, WW3 is on it's way.
Or, both.

Hard to say which one would be worse for either of those things.
Col, "maga" is just a derogatory thing at this point that liberals call anyone voting Republican, it means little to nothing any more. saying "___ country" just means a part of the country with a lot of whatever-it-is.
Not just liberals, not by a long shot. Many, if not most, Americans view MAGA as a cult.
Not just liberals, not by a long shot. Many, if not most, Americans view MAGA as a cult.
Seems that those passionately following Biden constitute a cult. They seem to be possessed by the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)
Based on the article below, Trump leads by 45% to Biden's 44%.
Why are Americans full of acronyms and initials? Are you too lazy to say the proper meaning? If you refer to a state, you can't be bothered to say it properly, you reduce it to two letters. So someone has an election mantra, that gets reduced to initials. How about POTUS or VPOTUS? It's very confusing. There must be dozens of others. MAGA could be Make Australia Great Again, or Andorra, or Angola or Austria.
It's such a shame Americans can't speak correct English without ruining it.

Col, I worked as a Navy contractor for 28 1/2 years. I saw so many acronyms that I saw more letters than a large can of Campbell's Alphabet Soup. But acronyms serve two purposes. For those in the know, it is a fast way of talking about something. And it makes for perfect obfuscation to people who are NOT among the cognoscenti. It is a modern form of the secret language that kids make up when they set up a clubhouse. And of course, the cognoscenti thumb their noses at us when they see our eyes glaze over after a while. They can more easily identify the "outsiders" when they use their secret language.
Wow, I truly have never in my life known someone that is so obsessed with being right as you are.
Champion it is. You win all debates, lets hope the Savior get's elected to office.
You've not even scratched the surface yet.
Wow, I truly have never in my life known someone that is so obsessed with being right as you are.
Champion it is. You win all debates, lets hope the Savior get's elected to office.
Hmm maybe up your game? Just a thought.
Not just liberals, not by a long shot. Many, if not most, Americans view MAGA as a cult.
Real cult members are often controlled by threat of violence from the cult leader like Charles Manson and influenced by them to do violent things to others (kill) or commit suicide for the cause (usually twisted biblical views). It's foolish to think that over half of America is in a cult and is killing everyone or themselves. Religion does not equate to cult.

  • Heaven’s Gate: Founded by Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles in the 1970s, this ascetic cult believed in an imminent “recycling” of the planet Earth and the need to leave their physical bodies behind. The group’s 39 members committed mass suicide in 1997, believing they would be transported to a higher plane.
  • Jonestown: Led by Jim Jones, this cult was known for its charismatic leader and his ability to persuade followers to commit mass suicide. In 1978, 918 people died in Jonestown, Guyana, after drinking a poisonous drink laced with cyanide.
  • The Manson Family: Charles Manson and his followers, known as the Manson Family, were responsible for a series of brutal murders in the late 1960s. The group’s beliefs were centered around Manson’s charismatic leadership and his interpretation of the Bible.
  • The Branch Davidians: Led by David Koresh, this cult was known for its apocalyptic beliefs and its armed standoff with the FBI in 1993. The standoff ended in a fire that killed 76 people, including Koresh.
  • The People’s Temple: Founded by Jim Jones, this cult was known for its charismatic leader and his ability to persuade followers to commit mass suicide. In 1978, 918 people died in Jonestown, Guyana, after drinking a poisonous drink laced with cyanide.

This is just taking the negative connotation of the word cult and attributing it to your political party rivals. Nothing more. There is of course extremists on both sides because of the garbage in garbage out thing we talked about earlier, but extremist does not equate to cult. If all we do is watch our favorite news channel that leans the way we like, then we are getting a one sided filtered view of everything. That garbage in. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of effort to parse out what is true and what is false when the internet and media if full of false and misleading perspectives or out right lies. Especially the emotionally charged one's.

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