When does the winning start? (1 Viewer)

The winning NEVER ended, that what pisses these folks off, it's relentless.:p
as soon as someone passes through the barrier at the edge of the fringe conservative universe, everything looks and sounds the same

I have to say, though, during times (not necessarily saying it is now, but just during those times) when leftism is the majority opinion, or the loudest and most visible one, it can seem that way ... Which makes sense mathematically, because it's a whole lot of people conforming to a similar narrative(s) and similar words to define weird things and similar justifications - which then sorta makes them all sound and look alike.

But I see your point, also it can seem that way simply because potentially a conservative sees anyone who disagrees with them as well they must be a lefty communist. Just pointing out it can be for various reasons
Let the purges begin! Trump when he assumed office in 2016 was not prepared for the avalanche of hateful lawfare unleashed by the Democrats against him and his staff. This time, Trump (within his first week) was not naive and has immediately begun to clean house.

Other good news:
Trump when he assumed office in 2016 was not prepared for the avalanche of hateful lawfare unleashed by the Democrats against him and his staff.
Comey bragging about the malicious setting-up General Flynn:
Exactly what Trump needs to clean-up in the government.
A central aspect to the story. The prosecutors who persecuted Trump and his associates cost the victims tons of money and also derailed their careers. How are the victims of these malicious persecutions ever going to be made whole?
But I see your point, also it can seem that way simply because potentially a conservative sees anyone who disagrees with them as well they must be a lefty communist.
Stop trying to be politically correct Isaac. I used to think of Democrats as well meaning people with poor solutions that generally only threw money at problems rather than trying to find/fix root causes and never included any accountability standards to ensure that the money they threw went to at least potentially useful things. We frequently agreed on what the major problems were. Just not the solutions. Education being one of the problems. The Conservative "solution" is school vouchers. That may give inner city people options but it isn't a panacea. There may not be another school option that the child can walk or take public transportation to. The real solution is far more difficult because it involves changing how poor people look at education and making them understand that it is up to them to get involved in their children's schools and "make them work" for the people instead of allowing lazy and lower grade teachers just skate by. Certainly no good teacher with options would take a job in a rundown, inner city school and deal with drugs, guns, and behavioral problems if they have better options. The cost to run a school in Baltimore isn't much different than in any other city and yet they fail nearly 100% of their students. Are the children of Baltimore actually stupid? No. They are caught in a vicious cycle of poverty and drugs and zoned out parents. The parents who care, do everything they can to leave the school district rather than stay and try to fix it. It is the same situation with all the "good", poor people who illegally cross our borders. They don't feel they can fix their native country so they go somewhere where they think it will be better not realizing the crime they bring with them by breaking our laws as their first act in-country. DC is another example. Do the children of politicians and lobbyists attend public schools in the District. I don't think so.

I didn't hate the opposition then. I don't hate them now, OK, maybe some of them like Schumer are pieces of dog doo. But they seem to all have been trained to hate me for simply disagreeing with them. They have been literally brainwashed by the media (run by the ultra left) into believing Trump and all supporters are evil. That is apparently why they have no reticence about spreading rumor and inuendo if it seems to put Trump or his supporters in a bad light. They flatly refuse to understand how their newsfeeds manipulate what they see and therefore what they think. Even today, they persist with the Jan 6 lies and insist Trump is a convicted Felon and raped a women in the Bergdorf's ladies lingerie department dressing room. The retractions are always on page 30 in tiny print or broadcast in the 3 am news hour and appear only once. The hatred and lies are repeated ad nauseum for months/years on end. You almost can't even blame them for how they think.
Stop trying to be politically correct Isaac. I used to think of Democrats as well meaning people with poor solutions that generally only threw money at problems rather than trying to find/fix root causes and never included any accountability standards to ensure that the money they threw went to at least potentially useful things. We frequently agreed on what the major problems were. Just not the solutions. Education being one of the problems. The Conservative "solution" is school vouchers. That may give inner city people options but it isn't a panacea. There may not be another school option that the child can walk or take public transportation to. The real solution is far more difficult because it involves changing how poor people look at education and making them understand that it is up to them to get involved in their children's schools and "make them work" for the people instead of allowing lazy and lower grade teachers just skate by. Certainly no good teacher with options would take a job in a rundown, inner city school and deal with drugs, guns, and behavioral problems if they have better options. The cost to run a school in Baltimore isn't much different than in any other city and yet they fail nearly 100% of their students. Are the children of Baltimore actually stupid? No. They are caught in a vicious cycle of poverty and drugs and zoned out parents. The parents who care, do everything they can to leave the school district rather than stay and try to fix it. It is the same situation with all the "good", poor people who illegally cross our borders. They don't feel they can fix their native country so they go somewhere where they think it will be better not realizing the crime they bring with them by breaking our laws as their first act in-country. DC is another example. Do the children of politicians and lobbyists attend public schools in the District. I don't think so.

I didn't hate the opposition then. I don't hate them now, OK, maybe some of them like Schumer are pieces of dog doo. But they seem to all have been trained to hate me for simply disagreeing with them. They have been literally brainwashed by the media (run by the ultra left) into believing Trump and all supporters are evil. That is apparently why they have no reticence about spreading rumor and inuendo if it seems to put Trump or his supporters in a bad light. They flatly refuse to understand how their newsfeeds manipulate what they see and therefore what they think. Even today, they persist with the Jan 6 lies and insist Trump is a convicted Felon and raped a women in the Bergdorf's ladies lingerie department dressing room. The retractions are always on page 30 in tiny print or broadcast in the 3 am news hour and appear only once. The hatred and lies are repeated ad nauseum for months/years on end. You almost can't even blame them for how they think.
I'm admitting that for some conservatives, it can be that way. Not politically correct, just a fact. I didn't say All. I said Some.
Surely you can admit that there is at least one conservative on Earth who sees everyone who's different from them as a leftwing nut, can't you?
I guess even bothering to make an equality statement is what irks me. There is no equity in the opinions of the two groups that I can see. The right wing media tries to inform (in their own biased way) and the left wing media calls Trump Hitler the the rest of us get called any name that is convenient at the time as they push any story whether it is even remotely true or rational as long as it puts Trump and supporters in a bad light.

Your equivocation is like the dumb "Charlottesville" statement made by Trump where he's trying to play fair. "There are 'good' people on both sides." There are always "good" people on both sides of an argument, although I do have a lot of trouble with finding the "good" people in favor of unrestricted late term abortions. Sorry for that particular bias. I don't hate Doc for his position. I think his attempt to be "fair and balanced" regarding late term abortion is misguided. Some things simply require that you stand up and be counted rather than abdicating.
Let the purges begin! Trump when he assumed office in 2016 was not prepared for the avalanche of hateful lawfare unleashed by the Democrats against him and his staff. This time, Trump (within his first week) was not naive and has immediately begun to clean house.

Other good news:
You know, if you chose reputable news sources to quote your message might be better received.
What would be your recommendation for a good source?
A variety of sources to start with. You should should always look for an AP, News Week, or a Reuters report, The Wall Street Journal has high quality reporting.

So quote the sensationalized propaganda, but also anchor it with real journalism and information. I'm not taking a stand on Left vs Right. yall do that enough without me.
The Wall Street Journal has high quality reporting.
Not any more. They are still the best print outlet but that isn't saying much considering how they have also sunk to opinion rather than facts. They also concentrate on financial stories so probably wouldn't even cover this one.

So, do you think that Trump didn't fire Jack Smith's henchmen? Wow.
A variety of sources to start with. You should should always look for an AP, News Week, or a Reuters report, The Wall Street Journal has high quality reporting.

So quote the sensationalized propaganda, but also anchor it with real journalism and information. I'm not taking a stand on Left vs Right. yall do that enough without me.
No need to go negative, I just wondering
English doesn't really work for you, does it?
Not if you think the linked article was "sensationalized propaganda". Were there falsehoods or exaggerations? Was the article rife with "purple" words? Was it not actually newsworthy?
AP, News Week, or a Reuters report, The Wall Street Journal has high quality reporting.
The younger demographic isn't even aware of these reporting services. The future will be defined by devices other than television or news print. The legacy media is on life support, just my opinion.
You know, if you chose reputable news sources to quote your message might be better received.
Provide a list of what you believe to be supposedly reputable news sources. How are they different from what what Fox News is reporting?
Finally, why should we accept your opinion as to what constitutes a reputable news source? Are you the arbitrator of the truth?
As some like to say: My "truth" is what is valid so whatever you say is not valid.
I guess even bothering to make an equality statement is what irks me.
Any compromise, any logic, any fact, not from extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeem right, seems to irk you. I don't think I remember anyone as far into Thamp Land as you are, like serious Jim Jones stuff here.

Fif it, don't fix it, I don't have a horse in that race, but you might consider at least acknowledging it.

You wanna know why you stopped believing to the WSJ? That's easy, they broke the story of the criminal withholding of Ukrainian war effort funds before the first Trump impeachment Trial.

I have not seen a single word of doubt about any of your deeply held beliefs that you have been willing to doubt. At least not publically.
Provide a list of what you believe to be supposedly reputable news sources. How are they different from what what Fox News is reporting?
Finally, why should we accept your opinion as to what constitutes a reputable news source? Are you the arbitrator of the truth?
As some like to say: My "truth" is what is valid so whatever you say is not valid.
See above.

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