When does the winning start? (1 Viewer)

Wonder how many of the foreign assets he's gonna catch that are all now down in the DC area looking to buddy up to all the disgruntled newly unemployed.
Me too. I bet you can't guess who the redacted name is going to be.

Why didn't trump de-classify it when he did all the others day one?
Names aren't supposed to be redacted. If Trump or any of his friends were on the list, do you really think he would publish it?
Me too. I bet you can't guess who the redacted name is going to be.
It will come out sure enough and I don't think there is any reason for anyone's name to be redacted for any reason. There just isn't an justification for it.
It will come out sure enough and I don't think there is any reason for anyone's name to be redacted for any reason. There just isn't an justification for it.

Does anyone really trust that it would be accurate? I mean by this time and with the stakes being this high and with the number of handlers how do we know it isn't just any old piece of paper someone wrote something on? I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them
The "list" is nothing compared to the endless hours of video tape Epstein was blackmailing everybody with. Pretty sure he was running a honeypot operation.
Does anyone really trust that it would be accurate? I mean by this time and with the stakes being this high and with the number of handlers how do we know it isn't just any old piece of paper someone wrote something on? I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them
The list is just a simplified way to say all the evidence that's been hidden from us thus far. It's like the whole thing just dropped off everyone's radar and there is no reason for it to be hidden anymore.
Yeah it's amazing how fast it blew over and suddenly became non-headline news as soon as she was arrested and started talking
Moving past the days of an FBI that was actively targeting parents? Heck yeah I feel a lot safer.
I felt reallllly safe when Martha Stewart was wearing orange.

I cannot understand why the Kennedy and other papers have not been released. WHY does anyone have to look at them? The law says to release them and that was in 2017. Only the FBI and CIA care if the actual reports embarrass the agencies who have been hiding the truth from us.
Do you feel safer now?
Yes. The FBI will stop attending school board meetings to find "radical white supremacist" momma bears who are objecting to their children being fed pornography. And they will go back to putting away actual criminals.
They are now releasing redacted material that had previously been released unredacted. Pam Bondi is now blaming the FBI.:oops:


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