Gun violence

Before you complain, I ask you to quote me exactly what Jesus said about homosexuality. Not other prophets, but Jesus. Find the quotes in the four gospels and let me know what is there

When inquired about the acceptability of divorce, Jesus upheld the foundational narrative of creation as outlined in Genesis (Matthew 19:4-6). While there is no explicit mention of the morality of same-sex unions in Jesus' teachings, he indirectly disapproved of them by referencing the established pattern in Genesis as the norm during his era. In essence, Jesus confirmed that marriage is intended to be a gender-specific institution, involving one man and one woman (Genesis 1:27), and emphasized its enduring nature for a lifetime (Genesis 2:24).

Regardless, I study the Bible as a whole, not out of context or in only isolated verses. And there is more than enough historical process, climaxing with the Council of Nicaea, the assures me the Bible as written is believable.
The probability that biblical prophecies - even just one, would come true is so tiny it's hard to fathom.

And the argument that they are 'religious writings' doesn't work to me, because if I were to accept that argument, it means anyone can completely invalidate historical writings and evidence by deciding to place religious focus on them - which makes no sense. You could then believe a historical document today, I start a religion centered around that document tomorrow, and now you have to say 'the document is no good. it's a religious paper now'.
I study Batman comics.
That explains your worldview. We have good guys and bad guys or in the case of the liberals today, we have the oppressed and the oppressors. Very simple world view. The oppressors are always the bad guys and the oppressed are always the good guys even though they are actually terrorists.
I actually formed a religion this morning called AWF Worshippers. Thus everything ever said on this website is a religious writing and nothing that has been said here can be considered a true part of history. Thus you're all wrong LOL
That explains your worldview. We have good guys and bad guys or in the case of the liberals today, we have the oppressed and the oppressors. Very simple world view. The oppressors are always the bad guys and the oppressed are always the good guys even though they are actually terrorists.
Why so serious? Can't you take a joke? I don't look at people as good guys or bad guys., just prople. including the Orange Jesus. Oh there I go again.
Now now Colin, play nice. Santa is watching...
Santa is a load of tripe. I'll be quite happy spending Xmas alone, my wife is in a care home and I've no family to speak of. The sooner the stupid season is over, the better. I see they're even trying to bring religion into what was originally a pagan festival. I think Santa is more believable than that Jesus fairy tale.
Santa is a load of tripe. I'll be quite happy spending Xmas alone, my wife is in a care home and I've no family to speak of. The sooner the stupid season is over, the better. I see they're even trying to bring religion into what was originally a pagan festival. I think Santa is more believable than that Jesus fairy tale.
And you claim it is Pat who has no sense of humor...
Going back to gun violence (the thread subject) I was wondering if there is any restrictions on what weapons Americans can buy? For instance, can you buy grenades or rocket launchers etc? Or is it restricted at all. I should think its great fun to fire a rocket thing into a car or bus.
Appearantly not as fun as shooting at drive-thru customers...

For instance, can you buy grenades or rocket launchers etc?
The answer to that question is maybe, I watch a couple of youtubers who use those items regularly, along with other items you didn't mention like tannerite etc.
Going back to gun violence (the thread subject) I was wondering if there is any restrictions on what weapons Americans can buy? For instance, can you buy grenades or rocket launchers etc? Or is it restricted at all. I should think its great fun to fire a rocket thing into a car or bus.

In theory, you can buy almost any weapon that is not fully automatic or would qualify as explosive ordnance. So military machine guns, rocket launchers of any kind, cannons, and bombs of any kind would be restricted. Having said that, there are exceptions if you are a licensed gun collector or dealer. It is a BIT more complicated than that, but that's the simplified answer.

That means pistols, shotguns, rifles, and certain kinds of historical guns (like flintlock or matchlock rifles) are OK, including semi-automatic weapons.

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