Gun violence (1 Viewer)

Guns are a very unique thing, in the sense that they are both the problem and the solution, depending on how used.
A problem in the hands of a non-abiding-citizen, a solution in the hands of self defense.
So it makes sense to me that we have a hard time dealing with this issue. If we were a low-crime society, I could imagine doing without guns, but not as it is.

Too bad we can't capture accurate numbers on how often the presence of a gun saves lives. It definitely happens and in non trivial amounts (my subjective judgment from the many news I've digested over my lifetime), but it's impossible to catalogue because you'd be predicting the future, which isn't possible. Whatever amount it is, though, one thing we can safely conclude: It puts a dent in the statistics that go the other way.

The question is just how big a dent.

Col seems to like the idea of someone coming into my house and hurting me, I'm not sure why - or maybe he feels that way about himself, like in a suicidal way. Either way Col you need therapy, because the idea of saving yourself from being hurt or killed should make you feel better, not worse.
What makes you think that would be a great feeling?
Because most Americans do it. If you're not burgled - giving you the chance to take a human life, then Americans shoot innocent animals for fun to satisfy their need to kill something.
Actually, the other day I asked a friend if they would visit the USA. They said, no chance, reason being, an American killed John Lennon and the hatred of the USA is very strong.
Kill living things for fun.

No, you referred to killing a burglar and getting away with it. I'm wondering how you know most Americans do that? and how do you "do" a feeling? Bad english again?
No, you referred to killing a burglar and getting away with it. I'm wondering how you know most Americans do that? and how do you "do" a feeling? Bad english again?
No, your English is OK.
There's loads of yanks here who say they would have no qualms about killing an intruder. A feeling? Bit like if one says it would be a great feeling to win $1million.
Listen to 'Hey Joe' by Jimmi Hendrix. It's about an American man called Joe who takes his gun to kill his wife because she's having an affair. Hardly a love song, but in America it probably is as guns are worshipped like the American god.
Pro tip:

There are at least 955 streets named after Martin Luther King in the U.S. in 41 states, don't be on any of them after dark.
Too bad we can't capture accurate numbers on how often the presence of a gun saves lives.
If the evil person can shoot and therefore hits you with the first shot, the two slung M16s are of very little use to you.
If, as is usual in American films, he first shoots three magazines into the air, you would have a chance.

Speaking of films: shooting around, taking hostages, disarming police officers, fights with automatic weapons and much more are glorified and appear to be normality. People are definitely influenced.
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They steal them.
Wrong. I Lived in Illinois and you could just go over the boarder into Indiana and you could buy a trunk full of hand guns, no questions asked. That's how the gangs in Chicago supply themselves with guns. They send proxy buyers there and load up. The number of stolen guns used in cimes is nothing compared the guns you can buy leagelly with no questions asked in large portions of the USA. 18 year olds have bought AR 15s and shot up schools. Why is that allowed?
Pro tip:

There are at least 955 streets named after Martin Luther King in the U.S. in 41 states, don't be on any of them after dark.
Sounds racist to me, but I am a black, lesbian tranny that used to be a guy
I have to say, Col, you're an odd duck. Most people would get a positive feeling, a good "relief" type of feeling from being able to defend their family.
Of course that requires family as an ingredient, who you value and who value you.

My impression of Europe continues to be one of godless single guy/single gals/ childless couples whose priorities are anything but family, and left with precious little to show for it at end of life. I'm thankful for the good old USA
Sounds racist to me, but I am a black, lesbian tranny that used to be a guy
OMG that is so true! We have one here, it is one of the worst areas of town - absolutely awful. It's like the universe couldn't decide which to put more of - abandoned trailer parks or scrap metal yards, so they put a whole bunch and interpersed them with liquor and check cashing.
You do realize the whole mention of "ar 15" is just sensationalizing it, don't you?

They could have just as easily shot up the school with any old hunting rifle. They are both semi automatic.

So do you raise the age of buying a rifle, traditionally considered the most innocuous of the trio, to what? 21? Then what do we do when a 21 yr old shoots up a school? Raise it to 25? Then what?

Is it time to consider the reasons people turn to crime, rather than the tool they use?
Is it time to consider the reasons people turn to crime, rather than the tool they use?
it's the individual that causes a crime, not the gun. Those who are convicted of a crime need to be imprisoned.
They were still released and not kept in custody. That leaves them free to commit more crimes, even if they do not have guns.
1) Address the light-on-crime as a root cause
2) Address the breakdown of the family, especially present fathers and incentives not to marry, as a root cause.

Those are the two most obvious things that everyone knows has happened, dozens of studies have proven that #2 is directly correlated (+) with crime, yet we keep passing solutions that have nothing to do with either.

Well, unless you vote Republican, in which case many solutions have been geared toward both of those massive root causes.

You can shoot up a school with a hunting rifle. "AR 15" is just a type of semi automatic, and in that, same as most other guns in existence.

Sure, ban the ar-15. With a caveat, in 5 years, when it's done nothing to quell the violence, you come back to the table and promise never to bring up sensationalized gun types again, and we start addressing the real causes and solutions.

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