The crime rate in New York

It would be nice if someone, somewhere cared about vetting.

Next thing you know we'll have a convicted criminal running for president.

oh, wait. . .

Next thing you know we'll have a convicted criminal running for president.

oh, wait. . .
It might have happened in Russia, had it not been for Putin murdering the imprisoned convict in opposition.
As the illegal immigrants are getting jobs, they are obviously employable.
They are working under the table for slave wages. Employers are always willing to go for the bargain wage for low skilled labor. You seem to be perfectly OK with our new "slaves". That's the Democrats, always the slave owners. Their "******" have deserted them and so now they are importing replacements.
They are working under the table for slave wages. Employers are always willing to go for the bargain wage for low skilled labor. You seem to be perfectly OK with our new "slaves". That's the Democrats, always the slave owners. Their "******" have deserted them and so now they are importing replacements.
Nice vocabulary Pat. JFC.
Next thing you know we'll have a convicted criminal running for president.
Enjoy that thought while you can. Then contemplate the charges that the Trump DOJ will generate against all the people who colluded in interfering with the 2024 election by persecuting the front running candidate like Putin did in Russia and other Communist/Socialist countries like Venezuelan and Brazil do.

Trump did not pursue Clinton in 2016 because her collusion got her nowhere except a fine by the election authorities. BUT, this cycle, the Dems have raised the anti and it cannot stand. We can never allow this to become the norm in US politics. Trump is our best chance to cancel the banana republic the Dems are trying to impose on us.
Nice vocabulary Pat.
I like to be precise. Isn't "******" what the plantation owners called their slaves? Slave is such an ugly word. What else would you call the people who "borrow" from the drug cartels to get here? Are they free? Not a chance. The women get to work off their passage on their back.
Pat Hartman bringing the fire
It's like the abortion "debate" If you see the film of a partial birth abortion, you will want to puke and then your next instinct will be to ban at least late term abortions. The Left has a clever way of changing the meaning of words and using different terms "***** attracted person" is a great newcomer to the scene. Can you ever imagine being in favor of hiding what this actually means in order to make it more socially acceptable?

In my world, slavery of any kind is wrong. The Dems are totally closing their eyes to the problem their virtue signaling is causing.

"The emperor has no clothes" ---- Someone has to tell him!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure that moke is now convinced that I'm a racist because I said the forbidden word xxx but you should instead look at my explicit language as a wake up call to shake you out of your complacity. The open border is NOT virtuous. It is creating SLAVES. The Dems are creating a new slave class because they are losing the old slave class so fast their heads are spinning. They haven't lost moke yet but I have high hopes for him.
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Anyone else see this little gem? :D


More confirmation it's all true and real, including the entire Biden crime family, :LOL:
I guess my expectations of a "Super Moderator" of a forum differs from yours.
I was in NYC last weekend and had a great time. The nice weather helped. Come visit (or wait until good weather resumes in September, July & August can get hot, but it isn't the South.)

As for crime, I saw an asshole smoking on the subway (a violation, so it won't show in crime statistics, even if witnessed by the police). You have to accept that in NYC, if 1 out of 100 people are assholes, you are going see a lot of assholes. You will see more nice people as well.

The murder rate in NYC is well below the national average. You are probably safer in NYC.
As I've said before, you have to look past crime rates and to the where and how crimes happen - and how that makes people feel.

New York has dramatic crimes happen directly in the most public tourist spots in broad daylight. If that does not happen in other cities, those 'other cities' are going to feel safer than New York, no matter what the overall crime stats are

Cities where crime basically is confined to the known ghettos and mostly confined to in between dangerous people, those cities are going to feel much safer than cities where crime seems to have spread to unexpectedly "safe" places and occurs in the most dramatic and horrifying matter what the crime rates are.

So "crime is bad" is subjective, and cannot be either upheld nor debunked by some statistic.
It's an election year so crime and the border MUST be down. :cool: like the press secretary said don't believe your lying eyes.
Biden's secret service agent robbed at gun point the other day in SF. Pretty sure SF has stopped counting crime.

But yeah, stop noticing everything including the border (y)
Crime stats at the 5 minute mark
I always get my news from comedians (my sister-in-law for real thinks his show is actual news). They're the only people you can believe these days. Either Stewart's writers have gotten really bad since the writer's strike or he doesn't actually believe what he's pushing these days. There is no longer even the slightest bit of subtilty to his performance. While Bill Maher and other rational Democrats come to their senses, Jon Stewart goes all in. I wonder if Stewart ever takes the subway or does he go by limousine from one block to another and not even walk.

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