The crime rate in New York

what do the other colors represent, AB? that's the only other question to ask!
Unfortunately a large portion of those unreported/underreported crimes are against immigrants or as Pat likes to call them "Illegals"
Words have meaning moke. People who cross our border illegally, are Illegal aliens. They are NOT by any stretch of the imagination "immigrants". Immigrants are people who come to this country legally. I can't believe that you don't know the difference. And confusing them is an insult to every person who made the effort to obey our laws and immigrate LEGALLY. People who cross the border illegally start out as criminals and do not deserve to be treated far better than our vets and homeless people.
Words have meaning moke. People who cross our border illegally, are Illegal aliens. They are NOT by any stretch of the imagination "immigrants". Immigrants are people who come to this country legally. I can't believe that you don't know the difference. And confusing them is an insult to every person who made the effort to obey our laws and immigrate LEGALLY. People who cross the border illegally start out as criminals and do not deserve to be treated far better than our vets and homeless people.

Under our current system of laws, people have a right to ask for asylum on the border and most do. They receive parole status and are not illegal immigrants.

Our immigration system provides fewer immigrants than our economy needs. Government interference with the free market has generated this "border crisis" just as government interference generates other shortages and surpluses.
No one would be crossing the border illegally if the ground was littered with mines on our side of the wall. As soon as a few of them ignored all the warnings and got blown up, word would get around quickly and there would be no more border crossings. Problem solved.
Under our current system of laws, people have a right to ask for asylum on the border and most do. They receive parole status and are not illegal immigrants.
That is only half an answer and an incomplete response. People may claim they are seeking asylum, but most are gaming the system. They are not legitimate asylum seekers. It is also my understanding that those entering the US illegally (depending on your interpretation) are to be held in detention. Instead they are being illegally released into the country. The simple fact is that Biden is not enforcing the law.

Our immigration system provides fewer immigrants than our economy needs. Government interference with the free market has generated this "border crisis" just as government interference generates other shortages and surpluses.
The border crises was created by the Biden administration by opening the border to all. Whether you had a legitimate claim of asylum or not does not matter. Your response, though it raises the issue of employment, misses numerous (negative) immigration issues.
  • The Biden administration is importing the illegal immigrants to create a new underclass of impoverished people who will be dependent on federal welfare.
  • Do any of the illegal immigrants possess the employment skills necessary to work here?
  • Would any of the illegal immigrants really adopt US customs, adopt speaking English, accept US laws?
  • There is a great possibility that the illegal immigrants will bring their culture with them instead of adopting US culture. Many of the illegal immigrants come from countries that are corrupt. Will they make the US corrupt?
  • Consider the realpolitik issue. Every illegal immigrant that comes from autocratic countries such as Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, etc. makes the rulers of those countries stronger as they get rid of their dissidents. The US needs to force dissidents back into those countries to hopefully change the culture of those countries for the better.
They need a fresh new underclass to replace the old one, because the old one is starting to notice things.
No one would be crossing the border illegally if the ground was littered with mines on our side of the wall. As soon as a few of them ignored all the warnings and got blown up, word would get around quickly and there would be no more border crossings. Problem solved.
But what would you do with all the one legged kids?
Under our current system of laws, people have a right to ask for asylum on the border and most do.
Do you have any idea what it takes to qualify for asylum? You can't just not like where you live. You can't just want to come to live on the dole in the US because you like the weather here. You ACTUALLY have to be in physical danger. But then - the international rules apply. You don't get to pick where you want to go, you apply for asylum in the FIRST safe country you enter. So, since Mexico is a safe country, if you are in Mexico, you are NOT entitled to enter the US. You should be applying for asylum in Mexico but of course no one wants to live in Mexico. The dole isn't available. You don't get put up in 3 star hotels or given cell phones and debit cards.

Our immigration system provides fewer immigrants than our economy needs.
Says who? It is Congress that writes the law of the land. It is the duty of the Executive Branch (President) to enforce it. The President doesn't get to just decide which laws he will enforce and which he will actively ignore. He doesn't get to wave his middle finger at the Supreme Court and say screw you - I'm not obeying your ruling. I'll give free college to whomever I choose just try to stop me😛

If you want to loosen up immigration, that's fine. Get Congress to change the quotas. You don't get to just break our immigration laws because you want to. Is that really the kind of country you want to live in?

Immigration is NOT a problem that the President needs to solve. Congress flatly refuses to solve the problem. This is a bipartisan issue. Both sides actively WANT illegal immigration for different reasons. It is the general public who wants legal immigration. Hold your representatives responsible for this problem. MAKE them address it. MAKE them make a commitment. Dog them once they are elected. The reason Trump's supporters are so loyal is because he says what he means and he means what he says. He doesn't just say what he thinks you want to hear so you'll vote for him. He was pretty naive last time around. He thought the Republicans in Congress would help to implement his platform. They did not. Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell impeded Trump's agenda whenever they could so he NEVER had Congress behind him. They have one more chance to get it right. The vote to repeal Obama care was brought up and passed 60 times during Obama's administration. It came up ONCE during Trump's and John McCain voted against it stopping the bill from passing because he was pissed at Trump so he screwed the American People. That's what I call a "hero".
Our immigration system provides fewer immigrants than our economy needs.
@Pat Hartman just reminded me (indirectly) of a point that I forgot to mention, the elimination of unemployment benefits (welfare) for those not working. The labor participation rate stands at about 62.5% now. Eliminate unemployment benefits, many of citizens able to work should return to work. There may be no need to allow illegal immigrants to fill employment vacancies.

And as a stark reminder, do the illegal immigrants even have the work skills necessary to work in the US?
That is only half an answer and an incomplete response. People may claim they are seeking asylum, but most are gaming the system. They are not legitimate asylum seekers. It is also my understanding that those entering the US illegally (depending on your interpretation) are to be held in detention. Instead they are being illegally released into the country. The simple fact is that Biden is not enforcing the law.

The border crises was created by the Biden administration by opening the border to all. Whether you had a legitimate claim of asylum or not does not matter. Your response, though it raises the issue of employment, misses numerous (negative) immigration issues.
  • The Biden administration is importing the illegal immigrants to create a new underclass of impoverished people who will be dependent on federal welfare.
  • Do any of the illegal immigrants possess the employment skills necessary to work here?
  • Would any of the illegal immigrants really adopt US customs, adopt speaking English, accept US laws?
  • There is a great possibility that the illegal immigrants will bring their culture with them instead of adopting US culture. Many of the illegal immigrants come from countries that are corrupt. Will they make the US corrupt?
  • Consider the realpolitik issue. Every illegal immigrant that comes from autocratic countries such as Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, etc. makes the rulers of those countries stronger as they get rid of their dissidents. The US needs to force dissidents back into those countries to hopefully change the culture of those countries for the better.
* There is no such thing as "federal welfare". Welfare programs are state programs.
* As the illegal immigrants are getting jobs, they are obviously employable.
* Illegal immigrants commit crime at lower rate than the native-born.
* Which immigrant groups in the past retained their corrupt native political culture and did not adopt American culture.
* Your suggestion that US government should act to assist dictators in imprisoning their citizens is an interesting one. I question whether this is an effective tactic for weakening dictatorships, by doing what the dictators want. I found a book that deals with the issue, which makes the opposite claim, but I have not read it.
Your suggestion that US government should act to assist dictators in imprisoning their citizens is an interesting one.
Isn't that already happening?
There is no such thing as "federal welfare". Welfare programs are state programs.
While the states may use some of their own state tax dollars to provide a degree of welfare, the majority of welfare money comes from the federal government, which also writes many of the rules and regulations. The reality is that we do have "federal welfare".
When you talk about sending people back, what you mean?
If you want to go to extremes, you send the dissidents to a training camp, you arm them, and then drop them into the offending counties and hope they start a revolution. After all it is the responsibility of the citizens to fix their country, not abandon it and come here instead. Seems that you would be in favor of removing autocrats so that democracy can flourish in these countries.
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It would be nice if someone, somewhere cared about vetting. We are in such a hurry to get the next round of worker's voters into place before the next election that we have zero idea who we are letting in. It's a destabilizing effect.

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