Gun violence (1 Viewer)

Our states have states' rights
Why stop at States rights? Why not County rights? Or Community rights? Or, god forbid, Individual rights?

To sum up the Supreme Court’s week: life begins at conception and ends in a mass shooting.
One state, I believe Mississippi, passed a law to stop at 15 weeks. The left challeged it.
Cathy, I had just pondered to my wife "Why is this all of a sudden after over 30 years an issue?"

The cynic in me thought it was politically motivated but if that were the case, we would have been here years ago...

Thanks for the insight, going to do a little more research...
Abortion all the way practically up till the moment of birth where the baby is very much a baby and has a scissors plunged in its skull was still happening sometimes in the USA. Anyone who doesn't think that that's sick and barbaric and outdated and it was time to be over, I don't know, I really kind of struggle to understand that but whatever.

The overturning of roe versus wade was progress. The barbarity that was being engaged in yes it has been happening for thousands of years just like slavery and sacrificing people to gods. It was about time it be stopped.
Why stop at States rights? Why not County rights? Or Community rights? Or, god forbid, Individual rights?

To sum up the Supreme Court’s week: life begins at conception and ends in a mass shooting.
But we should stop at states rights because that's how the country was set up. And it was a reasonable middle of the road solution. So that people could have some sense of local representation and local values, without, as your example makes a point, going too small.

If I was living in New York City or any other hell hole and somebody told me I wasn't allowed to carry a little tiny handgun with me for self-defense walking down a public Street as a good citizen with a clean record, I would be pretty pissed.

I mean I see the argument that you're making and the point, but in this case, don't you think that staying away from completely making uniform and federalizing every detailed rule which is what liberals seem to be trying to do constantly with the Federal government, is it a good idea? Do you really want to live in a country where every rule is identical from one end to the other and you have virtually no choice in being able to live in different parts of the country that reflect more your own personal values? I think it's worth it to try to strike a balance. Liberals are always trying to federalize everything.
The problem comes when they want the solutions and the bailouts and the free stuff to try to solve their problems to also be federalized or given just to them.
Sure every state takes some money for various Federal programs.
Are you saying you would essentially rather just have one country with no states?
Cathy, I had just pondered to my wife "Why is this all of a sudden after over 30 years an issue?"

The cynic in me thought it was politically motivated but if that were the case, we would have been here years ago...

Thanks for the insight, going to do a little more research...
And the Democrats have been so incredibly deceptive on this issue. That law is the same as most countries in europe. The USA did not go backwards behind other developed countries. If anything they're still catching up to them.
Cathy, I had just pondered to my wife "Why is this all of a sudden after over 30 years an issue?"

The cynic in me thought it was politically motivated but if that were the case, we would have been here years ago...

Thanks for the insight, going to do a little more research...
You're welcome!
Is anyone here a gynaecologist who actually knows the facts, or is it all from speculation and perhaps overzealous reporting?

On the BBC news we've seen women both protesting and supporting this decision. We've seen women cheering and women crying (no men of course). Most of the women seemed to be past childbearing age. So why the fuss?

It still seems to me that Washington make a law or rule, and each state either ignores it or not. I can't fathom out the logic. I know I'm a stupid English person but apart from local issues, shouldn't the law apply to everyone?
But we should stop at states rights because that's how the country was set up
So no Individual rights? They're not included in the constitution?
If I was living in New York City or any other hell hole and somebody told me I wasn't allowed to carry a little tiny handgun with me for self-defense walking down a public Street as a good citizen with a clean record, I would be pretty pissed.
So states rights dont count in NY? As you say you can always move somewhere else.

State by state breakdown.

That map kinda looks like this one.

Teen birth rates per 1000
So no Individual rights? They're not included in the constitution?

So states rights dont count in NY? As you say you can always move somewhere else.

That map kinda looks like this one.

Teen birth rates per 1000
View attachment 101434
What does that have to do with it? The states have the right to make laws as long as they don't infringe on an actual individual constitutional right.

The states have the right to determine how to handle abortion because abortion isn't a constitutional right.
New York state does not have the right to keep people from bearing arms to defend themselves because that's an individual constitutional right.

It's all pretty congruent
Counties and cities also pass laws. Don't you have dry cities or counties in your state?
Is anyone here a gynaecologist who actually knows the facts, or is it all from speculation and perhaps overzealous reporting?

On the BBC news we've seen women both protesting and supporting this decision. We've seen women cheering and women crying (no men of course). Most of the women seemed to be past childbearing age. So why the fuss?

It still seems to me that Washington make a law or rule, and each state either ignores it or not. I can't fathom out the logic. I know I'm a stupid English person but apart from local issues, shouldn't the law apply to everyone?
If DC, aka Congress passes a bill that the President signs then that law applies to everyone.
Which pretty much means teens in those states are getting abortions.
Excellent point.
Whiiiich...kinda brings us back to my oft repeated earlier point. Start raising sexually responsible human beings. We won't need to make babies and then kill them as barbarian.
(Ironic in the libs' me too era that ultimately, they're not actually interested in sexual responsibility)
I came across an interesting article on how abortion was considered historically:

If the left wasn't so irrational as to want to kill babies in the birth canal, most people would go along with the safe but rare solution. But once Roe v Wade was gutted with Casey, it went downhill from there and here we are. Insurrection in Arizona and marching in the streets.

The left's irrational position forces the right to take an equally irrational solution. That is bad for all of us.
Is a ra** or incest victim sexually irresponsible?
I am with you on that point. I have friends and family members who think even that is unacceptable, but we just have to agree to disagree

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