Gun violence

I sure would not want my teenage daughter to have an abortion or get pregnant. You think teens should be getting abortions?
In the UK, in most towns and cities, teenage girls go out on a Friday and Saturday night, dressed in micro mini skirts with or without knickers and their sole purpose is to get drunk. UK girls are very promiscuous so end up with a liaison with a boy, this can lead to pregnancy and misery.
So abortion is the best option. Its been that way since the 60's when I was a teenager. I don't see the problem, a proper medical abortion is far better than a backstreet mama with a knitting needle and a hot bath. Plus, a medical abortion is free.
There is a cost, it might not be monetary but nevertheless there is a cost.
You are right of course, I was referring to money. The hospital treatment in the UK is free.
Is a ra** or incest victim sexually irresponsible?

But I don't pretend that the exception is the rule.
ARE you, in fact, proposing restrictions that include only that exception?
If not, it's not effective to hold that out as if you were.
In the UK, in most towns and cities, teenage girls go out on a Friday and Saturday night, dressed in micro mini skirts with or without knickers and their sole purpose is to get drunk. UK girls are very promiscuous so end up with a liaison with a boy, this can lead to pregnancy and misery.
So abortion is the best option. Its been that way since the 60's when I was a teenager. I don't see the problem, a proper medical abortion is far better than a backstreet mama with a knitting needle and a hot bath. Plus, a medical abortion is free.
In other words, taxpayers pay for these stupid, useless, individuals free abortions instead of the two idiots that caused the pregnancy or their parents. You do realize that this irresponsible behavior can also cause HiV?
If someone shoots a woman whereby the fetus she is carrying is killed, how old does the fetus need to be for the act to be considered murder?
@AngelSpeaks, do you have any idea how to stop "irresponsible behavior" by teenagers. Teenagers are synonymous with irresponsible behavior.
In other words, taxpayers pay for these stupid, useless, individuals free abortions instead of the two idiots that caused the pregnancy or their parents. You do realize that this irresponsible behavior can also cause HiV?
I agree, not only HIV but any sexually transmitted disease. But, all health care is free in the UK, except dentistry. Apparently the instances of STD has risen significantly since relaxations of covid lockdowns as clubs and pubs reopen and try to attract trade, and teenagers have the money.
I'm reluctant to call them stupid or useless as it is a way of life, I did it back in the 60's, it's part of growing up. Just normal.
@AngelSpeaks, do you have any idea how to stop "irresponsible behavior" by teenagers. Teenagers are synonymous with irresponsible behavior.
Well before they become teenagers, you teach them and when they are irresponsible, they face consequences. And when all else fails, every three months, you take the girls to a doctor to get a shot. At least teach them safe sex to avoid pregnancy and STDs.
If someone shoots a woman whereby the fetus she is carrying is killed, how old does the fetus need to be for the act to be considered murder?
In the US, it depends on state law. Since a fetus is viable at 23 weeks, that's a good starting point unless you live in a state that allows abortion up to birth. How can those states consider it murder if abortion is OK?
I've noticed from general observation that occasionally someone will make a reference that makes it sound like ALL children and teens are irresponsible, naughty, liable to try a bit of everything, promiscuous, etc.

This, of course, is far from actually being true, as in real life there is a huge difference between children from various families.

The ones who want to convince you that "ALL teens do those things" are the ones with the worst kids of course, who have been desperate to diagnose it as Universal for comfort's sake.

It's like that woman at the restaurant with the terrible child who is making everyone miserable and she looks around like "What??! Everyone's kids are like this" and you're tempted to tell her UM...NO.. THEY'RE NOT

Youth may be the season of life when one is most likely to do some of these foolish things, if one does at all. That's different than saying all youth simply must and will do all of those foolish things. Obviously there is a huge difference in between people.

Do try to keep in mind what was the whole POINT of all that graphic sex education starting at a young age that liberals demanded would be so helpful to our children in the modern day..
They are the best educated children that the USA has ever seen in today's generation, regarding knowing where babies come from and being ready to plan accordingly..
I'm reluctant to call them stupid or useless as it is a way of life, I did it back in the 60's, it's part of growing up. Just normal.

Not really. Not for my kids.
It might seem normal if you're living in a bubble of similar people in a culture that's given up on all things right and good. Or if your family has and that's all you know, your town etc.

But it certainly doesn't have to be. My own children and all their friends are remotely far from that sad type of alcoholic, sex-crazed cycle you have sadly described UK teens as.

I guess this conversation is demonstrating parents are part of the problem, the ones that throw their hands up and just say "well there's nothing I can do. All teens are awful little depraved monsters, the best we can do is chain them up in a cage to mate with each other and when it's all over try to pick up the pieces"

Well sheesh, yeah, take that approach, you'll definitely end up with the worst of the worst
Yes, like unplanned, unwanted pregnancies.
My second child was unexpected.
I still knew it was time to love him and embrace the situation. Killing him just didn't seem like an option to me thankfully.

Honestly, it took me a month or so to get used to the situation. God knows what He's doing, providing 9 mo to come to terms, pun intended.
Because I was like "another one? I'm SO tired".
Then I stepped up to the challenge (internally not at first, at first I was a self pitying twerp for a few weeks, but you learn to get over that and meet the moment that's not going anywhere away, like mankind has for 10,000 years), now he is my wonderful 20 yr old, half done with college.
most abortions after fifteen15 weeks employ dilation and evacuation procedures which involve the use of surgical instruments to crush and tear the unborn child, and it concluded that the “intentional commitment of such acts for nontherapeutic or elective reasons is a barbaric practice, dangerous for the maternal patient, and demeaning to the medical profession.

Maybe this is why most European countries prohibited after around 15 or 12 weeks.

Catch up, America.
only if they are forced to give birth
Do you know how long the waiting list is for parents who are ready and willing to adopt a newborn in the USA?

Some sources estimate that there are about 2 million couples currently waiting to adopt in the United States — which means there are as many as 36 waiting families for every one child who is placed for adoption.

Now what were you saying about a burden?

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