Gun violence (1 Viewer)

Modern handguns have drop technology built in, revolvers have hammer bocks semiautomatics have similar tech like grip safeties. This isn't like the movies where someone drops a gun and everyone ducks.
So for gun manufacturers to build in anti- drop- accidental discharge proves that it happens more than some here are claiming.
I leave mine in a locked cabinet, unless I need to teach a paper target a thing or two.
Intruders will of course be content to allow you the opportunity to get you gun and kill them,
Intruders will of course be content to allow you the opportunity to get you gun and kill them,
You could sleep with the gun in your hand and the hammer cocked with your finger on the trigger. It isn't going to do a bit of good unless you have some warning that someone's coming.

I can't think of any time in my life or anywhere I have ever lived where I've ever had any fear of an intruder. If I did I think I would invest in a good security system before I invested in a firearm.
Accidental firing is not the problem. Intentional firing by crazy people is the big problem.
Yes or trigger happy householders. Odd that Pat hasn't conceded that guns kill.
Intruders will of course be content to allow you the opportunity to get you gun and kill them,
Yes, you're right, of course. People need layers of protection these days because liberals like you keep letting repeat offenders back on the streets and then prosecute the victim when the encounter results in the use of deadly force.
Odd that Pat hasn't conceded that guns kill.

Not odd at all, since she's right. Guns don't kill. They are inanimate objects. It is the people who hold them or mishandle them who do the killing, whether intentionally or accidentally. If you are so worried about guns killing people, I am astounded that you haven't waged a campaign against knives, since they were - and still are - used for killing people and animals over the last several THOUSAND years. And before that, sturdy branches from trees were used to kill people and animals. Shall we outlaw trees?

People are killed in vehicular accidents. Are we going to outlaw cars? People kill themselves by eating in a way to cause their bodies to become chemically unbalanced, so they die based on their food. Shall we outlaw food? People get killed with the bare hands of their assailants. Shall we outlaw hands? (Good luck getting someone to sign things without hands...)

It is ALWAYS traceable back to the people who, if they really want to end someone's life and don't have a gun, will find something else. A gun is a means to an end. But remove those particular means and the urge to reach that particular end DIDN'T GO AWAY. So here you are, ready to take away guns owned by law-abiding citizens who can use them for sport or legal hunting to obtain food ... or even self-defense. Thanks but no thanks.
So for gun manufacturers to build in anti- drop- accidental discharge proves that it happens more than some here are claiming.
"If you're holding a gun, the first thing any police officer will say is 'drop the gun,' modern or not."
Yes, you're right, of course. People need layers of protection these days because liberals like you keep letting repeat offenders back on the streets and then prosecute the victim when the encounter results in the use of deadly force.
You do know your arguing with an Aussie, right?
I think they got it more right than we have.
Not odd at all, since she's right. Guns don't kill. They are inanimate objects.
But you said yourself that it is very very remotely possible a gun, when dropped, could go off and fatally injure someone. So the statement 'guns don't kill' is an untruth that's all I'm saying.
Yes, you're right, of course. People need layers of protection these days because liberals like you keep letting repeat offenders back on the streets and then prosecute the victim when the encounter results in the use of deadly force.
I just read an article about a woman who's been arrested six times for assault and she's illegally in the country and still has not been deported because of the liberals Democrats in the positions that she comes into contact with. And they're whining about guns killing people but they're putting the killers back on the street every day
Stop putting killers back out on the street over and over and watch the gun problem magically be reduced drastically
So what you're saying is that if a loaded gun is accidentally dropped and it somehow discharges and shoots someone in the heart, that person won't die because 'guns don't kill people' - what absolute rubbish.
So, if you drop a knife and it bounces and kills someone, do we need to ban all knives? If a child drowns in a swimming pool do we ban pools? Pretty much any item can be a weapon of death in the hands of someone who wants to kill you. Is a shoelace safe? NOPE.

Thinking that banning weapons will prevent gun deaths is nonsense, just as banning knives for the same reason would be. The ban will only ever affect only the honest law abiding citizen who would have never used the gun for evil anyway. If I could wave my magic wand and ban guns from the face of the earth along with the knowledge of how to make new ones, I would do it in a heartbeat. But the ban you propose would affect only the non-criminal element so it wouldn't stop anything. You may as well just wave your finger at a criminal and tell him to stop the bad behavior or else. "or else what?" Apparently in NYC, if you are in the country illegally, you and a bunch of your best buds can beat up a cop in front of witnesses and on video, be arrested, and be out with NO bail in time to see yourself on the news as you hightail it out of town. THAT is what is wrong with the criminal justice system. There are no consequences for crimes, even violent ones. Sure hope those cops can sue the city.
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I'm really jealous of you armed and self-protecting people.
The last time I held a firearm in my hands was in 1981 when I was in the army, and I don't even own a baseball bat (baseball is not a common sport here).
I still survived, without a beating and without an attack and without a break-in.
I can't wait to hear the justification for letting those cop beaters off immediately and without bail.
Rather than worrying about removing guns from the hands of law abiding citizens, why don't all you pacifists lobby to ENFORCE the gun laws we have!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would actually be productive and reduce gun crime. Then idiots like Hunter Biden would be in jail for simply dumping a handgun into a dumpster. Of course, he did get away with it. Would you have gotten away with it? You should ask yourself that question folks. Maybe he knew the fix would be in.

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