
That is a pretty ignorant statement.
So where is the ghetto then? I read about it in a Sunday newspaper supplement and it was about poor black people in New York living in a ghetto.
Why is that ignorant?
You could do an internet search on it. It's usually the worst part of town that is part of a city. It doesn't have to be in NY city, any major city has lower income housing that usually is not well taken care of due to lack of resources. When I mean worst, I mean if you live there, you would do definitely want to find a better place to live, but it is very expensive to live in the main parts of the city. Used to be the jews were segregated into ghetto's. The history behind it all is pretty disturbing to read about.
A ghetto is a part of a city in which members of a minority group are concentrated, especially as a result of political, social, legal, religious, environmental or economic pressure.[1] Ghettos are often known for being more impoverished than other areas of the city. Versions of such restricted areas have been found across the world, each with their own names, classifications, and groupings of people.
That was funny. I don't know the exact sporting event those cheers where coming from but it must have been really good.
Some of us have been saying this for a long time, NATO Joe caused this.

If you want a practical guide for it's meaning in todays times, just ask Ted Nugent how he views and lives the 2nd amendment. The guy is living life to it's fullest as he exercises his rights on a daily basis. He has a machine gun, and can toss it in the vehicle and go down to the local dinner and have breakfast before going to the range for some practice. He's no criminal, far from it. He was in law enforcement for many years and knows the importance of the peoples right to bear arms. He doesn't hide it either. He went off on the SCOTUS for not backing the 2nd amendment in an Illinois ruling in the following video. I've been to his rock concerts in the past and he makes no bones about where he stands on the issue and makes sure you get a good dose of it during the concert.

AB... given the rabidity of the Democrats and their continued attempts to do an end-run around things, I think your statement - while I like it - may be premature.
AB... given the rabidity of the Democrats and their continued attempts to do an end-run around things, I think your statement - while I like it - may be premature.
It's those "end-a-rounds" that gets them in trouble ;)
It means, he outsmarted most liberals and got the Supreme Court to lean right.

"My retribution will be success." - President Donald J. Trump
If by outsmarted, you mean McConnell made up a rule that Obama could not choose a new Justice 10 months out from the next election because...let the people decide, and then only days before the 2020 election, President Trump appointed a Justice. I don't know, does that make sense to you?
Except for his convictions. He was never a LEO.
He was a sheriff if I recall correctly, he knows how to stay out of trouble and still live the dream. If your referring to the Alaska black bear incident, he got probation and $10,000 fine and the judge didn't even know anything about that law and had to look it up. Had to do with illegal transportation of the bear.

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